Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
The qualities of different waters

Although good water is tasteless, without colour or smell, it
quenches our thirst like nothing else. In order to be healthy, we need
to drink, according to some authorities, 1-2 litres (5-9 pints) of
good quality water a day.^5 Some types of water are more suitable for
drinking than others. In Chapter 12 we shall consider some of the
choices we have of improving the quality of the available water
before we drink it. High quality water should contain elements of
both geospheric (female) and atmospheric (male).

Distilled Water
Considered physically and chemically to be the purest form of
water. Its nature is to extract or attract to itself all the substances it
needs to become mature itself, and therefore absorbs everything
within reach. Such water is really quite dangerous if drunk contin-
uously long-term. The 'Kneipp cure' uses distilled water for its
short-term therapeutic effect, where it acts to purge the body of
excessive deposits of particular substances.


If it has not been affected by industrial pollution (acid rain), rain-
water is the purest naturally available water. Slightly richer through
the absorption of atmospheric gases, it is still unsuitable for drink-
ing in the long term. When drunk as melted snow-water, it also gives
rise to certain deficiencies and if no other water is available it can
on occasion result in goitre, the enlargement of the thyroid gland.

Juvenile Water

Juvenile water is immature water from deep underground sources,
like geysers. It has not mellowed sufficiently on its passage through
the ground. It has not developed a mature structure and contains
some minerals (geospheric elements), but few gases (atmospheric
elements), so as drinking water it is not very high grade (cf most spa
waters which arise from mineral rich depths).

Surface Water

Water from dams and reservoirs contain some minerals and salts
absorbed through contact with the soil and the atmosphere. Its


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