Irodov – Problems in General Physics
(a) the combined kinetic energy T of both neutrons in the frame of their centre of inertia and the momentum of of each neutron i ...
PART TWO. THERMODYNAMICS AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS 2.1. Equation of the Gas State. Processes Ideal gas law: pV = M RT, where M is ...
Fig. 2.1. (b) the mean molar mass M of the given mixture which enters its equation of state pV = (mIM) RT, where m is the mass o ...
h so that its density is the same throughout the volume. Find the temperature gradient dT/dh. 2.14. Suppose the pressure p and t ...
= 90 atm, and at a temperature T2 = 350 K the pressure is p, = = 110 atm. Find the Van der Waals parameters for this gas. 2.24. ...
= 55 K. Find how much the internal energy of the gas will change and what amount of heat will be lost by the gas. 2.30. What amo ...
(in terms of volume), first adiabatically, and then isothermally. In both cases the initial state of the gas was the same. Find ...
2.50. One mole of an ideal gas whose adiabatic exponent equals y undergoes a process in which the gas pressure relates to the te ...
(b) the amount of the absorbed heat. The gas is assumed to be a Van der Waals gas. 2.59. For a Van der Waals gas find: (a) the e ...
Boltzmann's formula: n= noe—(u—uo/hT, (2.3h) where U is the potential energy of a molecule. 2.62. Modern vacuum pumps permit t ...
2.71. Find the molar mass and the number of degrees of freedom of molecules in a gas if its heat capacities are known: cv = 0.65 ...
square velocities of a molecule of a gas whose density under stan- dard atmospheric pressure is equal to p = 1.00 g/1. 2.84. Fin ...
in an ideal gas at a temperature T, if the mass of each molecule is equal to m. Compare the value obtained with the reciprocal o ...
respectively, with n 2 > n 1. Assuming the temperature T and the free-fall acceleration g to be independent of the height, fi ...
2.4. The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy Heat engine efficiency: (2.4a) where Q (^1) is the heat obtained by the working ...
2.118. Find the efficiency of a cycle consisting of two isobaric and two adiabatic lines, if the pressure changes n times within ...
all cycles having the same maximum temperature Tmax and the same minimum temperature Tmin are less efficient compared to the Car ...
Find the entropy increment of the gas in this process provided its volume increases a = 2.0 times. 2.138. An ideal gas with the ...
2.148. One of the two thermally insulated vessels interconnected by a tube with a valve contains v = 2.2 moles of an ideal gas. ...
(a) the probability of atoms gathering in one half of the vessel; (b) the approximate numerical value of N ensuring the occurren ...
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