Pascal Baetens. Nude Photography. The Art and The Craft. 2007

(Elle) #1


11:09 11:20




Lyn baLzer & tony perkins 153

10:55 With the flash in position,
siannon takes her place within the
selected framing of the landscape.

11:05 Siannon begins to progress
through a variety of poses, her brilliant
red hair making a stunning focus.

11:09 Tony checks the framing
before progressing to polaroid.

11:20 We assess the initial polaroid to see if we
are happy with the composition and lighting.

11:30 Having seen the Polaroid, we discuss
adjusting the position of the flash.

12:33 We shoot another Polaroid after making
a slight change to the lighting.

12:53 After a few more minor adjustments to
the pose and lighting we reach our final decision.
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