lighting 75
Additional lighting
i’m not keen on using heavy equipment
outdoors; it reduces working space and
reaction speed. But, at the same time, it can
open up a lot of possibilities. here, i used
a softbox and adjusted aperture and
exposure times to create a variety of effects.
1 the environment is well lit but the model
is overexposed, giving her an ethereal look.
2 to create a night effect i lit the model
correctly and underexposed the background.
3 less overexposure of the background
and more light on the model gives an
impression of evening light.
Using reflectors
popular in portrait and glamour nude
photography, reflectors can greatly improve
the lighting in your images. they can be used
to bounce and direct light so that you can target
specific areas such as the face, and to fill in dark
shadows. they are very useful when working
in full, hard sunlight.
1 the reflector has brightened the light on the
model, separating her from the background.
2 hard shadows are softened.