lighting 77
dressing with shadows
You can emphasize the beauty and fragility of a model’s
body, and add a touch of mystery, by dressing the model
with shadows. Wherever there is light, there are shadows,
and wherever you put an obstacle between a direct light
source and a body, you create shadows on the body. You
can play with different forms and patterns, with light direction
and light intensity. You can create a mood with your use of
shadows, suggest a story with them, or make a statement—
the possibilities are endless. shadows are the most simple,
inexpensive, and effective props available to the nude
photographer. By using them in this way you stimulate the
viewer to look beyond the nudity of the model.
Laure-Anne at a window
here, the pattern of the light and shadow is
confined to one side of the body, focusing
attention on the breast and belly area.
Light is filtered through the blown glass of
an old window. Modern glass doesn’t produce
the same pattern, but slatted blinds or lace
curtains can also be used to great effect.
The lines resemble a sweeping brushstroke—
narrower and more defined at the top, blurring
and broadening as it travels down the body.
Cropping the image in this way almost gives
the body the shape and proportions of a face,
inviting the viewer to look at it.
Alexia under a tree
leaves create a wonderful mosaic pattern on
the model’s skin. i took this picture on a late
summer’s afternoon, when the light had
become warm and soft.
The time of day is crucial for this kind of
image. Around midday the hard, contrasty
light would have turned the shadows into
unattractive black spots.
The direction of the model’s eyes reinforces
the gentle, romantic nature of the scene. here,
Alexia’s dreaming eyes follow the light direction,
into the empty right half of the image.
Marion in bounced light
here, the model is caught in the last moments
of daylight, bounced via a mirror on her right.
the sun’s position is on the left.
The position of the model was critical to the
success of this shot. i positioned Marion very
carefully to capture the dot of light on her right
nipple and the bold stripe of shadow down the
center of her body.
A degree of anonymity is achieved by
allowing the lighted area to begin just below
her eyes. sometimes this can help the image,
making it easier to appreciate the subtle forms.