Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns

(avery) #1

inline, 237
CSS, 232
HTML, 232
white-space:pre assignment, 233
terminal block element, 227
text-indent, 227
Style sheet, 7

Styling text
background-image property, 211
border property, 211
CSS, 210
HTML, 210
line-throughs, 211
location, 211
overlines, 211
padding-top/-bottom, 211
patterns, 211
transparent GIFs, 211
underlines, 211
color and case, 207
CSS, 206
embedding, 218–19
family, 207
HTML, 206
location, 207
pattern, 207
size, 207
background color, 209
CSS, 208
em measurements, 209
forecolor, 209
highlight-alert, 209
HTML, 208
location, 209
padding distance, 209
pattern, 209
tiled image, 209
Invisible Text
CSS, 220
HTML, 220
limitations, 221
pattern, 221
terminal block element, 221
text-align, 221

text-indent, 221
width and height, 221
Replacement with Canvas and VML
Cufón, 217
cufon-yui.js, 217
font converter, 217
HTML, 216
JavaScript, 217
JSON data format, 217
location, 217
UTF-8 encoded, 217
Replacement with Image
absolute element, 215
block element, 215
CSS, 214
fixed element, 215
float element, 215
HTML, 214
pattern, 215
span, 215
CSS, 222
disadvantages, 223
HTML, 222
location, 223
nonsighted users, 223
pattern, 223
pixel height and width, 223
sighted users, 223
background-color, 213
block elements, 213
CSS, 212
filter:shadow, 213
HTML, 212
Internet Explorer 6, 212, 213
pattern, 213
Safari, 213
zoom:1 triggers, 213

T, U

Table column layout, 353
auto width, 354
Column Width
CSS, 356
fixed-width cell, 357
HTML, 356
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