How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

“The CIA work stinks”: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 52.
“I tried to tell them how to use it”: Ibid.
“What came through the closed door”: Stevens, Storming Heaven, 56.
“What Babes in the Woods”: Ibid., 54.
“who, having once come to the realization”: Ibid., 57.
Commission for the Study of Creative Imagination: Eisner, “Remembrances of LSD Therapy Past,” 10.
“Explorers have not always been the most scientific”: Ibid., 57.
“My regard for science”: Dyck, Psychedelic Psychiatry, 97–98.
Steve Jobs often told people: Markoff, What the Dormouse Said, xix.
“He’d be a broader guy”: Isaacson, Steve Jobs, 172–73.
“That was a remarkable opening”: Goldsmith, “Conversation with George Greer and Myron
“After that first LSD experience”: Fahey, “Original Captain Trips.”
“The greatest thing in the world”: Markoff, What the Dormouse Said, 58.
Seventy-eight percent of clients: Stevens, Storming Heaven, 178.
“We were amazed”: Fadiman, Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide, 185.
“Our investigations of some of the current social movements”: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 198.
“to provide the [LSD] experience”: Fahey, “Original Captain Trips.”
“Al never did anything resembling security work”: Ibid.
his first shattering experience: Leary, Flashbacks, 29–33.
“In four hours by the swimming pool”: Ibid., 33.
Listen! Wake up! You are God!: Leary, High Priest, 285.
Experimental Expansion of Consciousness: This course description is in the New York Public
Library’s collection of Leary’s papers.
“We were on our own”: Stevens, Storming Heaven, 135.
Leary reported eye-popping results: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 75.
Rick Doblin at MAPS meticulously reconstructed: Doblin, “Dr. Leary’s Concord Prison Experiment.”
“it was the sort of research”: Cohen, Beyond Within, 224.
“If we learned one thing”: Lattin, Harvard Psychedelic Club, 74.
“We were thinking far-out history thoughts”: Leary et al., Neuropolitics, 3.
“We’re going to teach people”: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 77.
“Psychedelic drugs opened to mass tourism”: Grinspoon and Bakalar, Psychedelic Drugs
Reconsidered, 86.
A 1961 memo from David McClelland: “Some Social Reactions to the Psilocybin Research Project,”
Oct. 8, 1961.
“analyz[e] your data objectively”: Memo from McClelland to Metzner, Dec. 19, 1962.
“I wish I could treat this”: Lattin, Harvard Psychedelic Club, 89.
The next day’s Crimson: Robert Ellis Smith, “Psychologists Disagree on Psilocybin Research.”
“Hallucination Drug Fought at Harvard”: Lattin, Harvard Psychedelic Club, 91.
“Psychedelic drugs cause panic”: Grinspoon and Bakalar, Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered, 66.
“these materials are too powerful”: Leary and Alpert, “Letter from Alpert, Leary.”
“For the first time in American history”: Ibid.
“We’re through playing the science game”: Stevens, Storming Heaven, 189.
“had talked such nonsense”: Ibid., 190.
“powerful chemicals [as] harmless toys”: Eisner, “Remembrances of LSD Therapy Past,” 145.
Osmond tried once again to coin a new one: Dyck, Psychedelic Psychiatry, 132.
“You must face these objections”: Ibid., 108.
“wreak havoc on all of us”: Stevens, Storming Heaven, 191.
Leary was happy to state it: Leary, High Priest, 132.
“He blew in with that uniform”: Fahey, “Original Captain Trips.”

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