How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

Cohen came to think of it: Betty Grover Eisner, draft of “Sidney Cohen, M.D.: A Remembrance,” box
7, folder 3, Betty Grover Eisner Papers, Stanford University Department of Special Collections
and University Archives.
“psycholytic” means “mind loosening”: Grinspoon and Bakalar, Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered, 7.
Stanislav Grof, who trained as a psychoanalyst: For a detailed account of this work, see Grof, LSD.
A 1967 review article: Grinspoon and Bakalar, Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered, 208.
Anaïs Nin, Jack Nicholson, Stanley Kubrick: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 62.
the most famous of these patients was Cary Grant: Siff, Acid Hype, 100.
declared himself “born again”: Stevens, Storming Heaven, 64.
“All the sadness and vanities”: Siff, Acid Hype, 100.
“I’m no longer lonely”: Ibid.
“Young women have never before”: Novak, “LSD Before Leary,” 103.
a surge in demand for LSD therapy: Ibid.
“LSD became for us an intellectual fun drug”: Ibid., 99.
Cohen was made uncomfortable: Ibid., 99–101.
He remained deeply ambivalent: Ibid., 100.
“under LSD the fondest theories”: Cohen, Beyond Within, 182.
“any explanation of the patient’s problems”: Ibid.
“therapy by self-transcendence”: Cohen, “LSD and the Anguish of Dying,” 71.
“relish the possibility”: Dyck, Psychedelic Psychiatry, 1.
“It was without question”: Huxley, Moksha, 42.
“the folds of my gray flannel trousers”: Huxley, Doors of Perception, 33.
“what Adam had seen on the morning”: Ibid., 17.
“Words like ‘grace’ and ‘transfiguration’”: Ibid., 18.
“a measly trickle”: Ibid., 23.
“shining with their own inner light”: Ibid., 17.
a common core of mystical experience: Huxley, Perennial Philosophy.
“99 percent Aldous Huxley”: Novak, “LSD Before Leary,” 93.
“It will give that elixir a bad name”: Ibid., 95.
Clearly a new name for this class: Dyck, Psychedelic Psychiatry, 1–2.
“had no particular connotation of madness”: Ibid., 2.
“uncontaminated by other associations”: Osmond, “Review of the Clinical Effects of
Psychotomimetic Agents,” 429.
The goal was to create the conditions: Grinspoon and Bakalar, Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered,
his FBI file: Hubbard’s FBI file is available at the Internet Archive:
the best account we have of his life: Fahey, “Original Captain Trips.”
the trail of Hubbard’s life: These facts, and their contradictions, are drawn from Lee and Shlain,
Acid Dreams, and Fahey, “Original Captain Trips.”
We know the government kept close tabs: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 45.
“It was the deepest mystical thing”: Ibid.
“a catalytic agent”: Ibid., 52.
“if he could give the psychedelic experience”: Fahey, “Original Captain Trips.”
“convinced that [Al Hubbard] was the man”: Ibid.
Osmond abandoned the psychotomimetic model: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 54.
Hubbard was the first researcher to grasp: Dyck, Psychedelic Psychiatry, 93.
“He said, ‘Now hate them’”: R.C., “B.C.’s Acid Flashback.”
“We waited for him like the little old lady”: Lee and Shlain, Acid Dreams, 51.
impressive rates of success: Stevens, Storming Heaven, 175.

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