How to Change Your Mind

(Frankie) #1

and mushrooms from southern Mexico, 2 , 59 , 101 , 110 –14, 114n
and origins of religious belief, 106 , 111 –12
preconceived theories of, 112
psychedelic experiences of, 110 –12
Watts, Rosalind, 377 , 379 , 380 , 381
Weathermen, 204
Weil, Andrew
on active placebos, 159
and dismissals of Leary and Alpert, 201 –3
and mushroom conferences, 102
The Natural Mind, 159
and Schultes, 107
and Toad (5-MeO-DMT), 274
and treatment of bad trips, 210
well-being, improvements in, 74 , 254 , 285
Whitman, Walt, 194 , 286
Whole Earth Network, 182 , 183
Wilson, Bill, 141 , 152 –53, 369
Wilson, E. O., 80
wisdom, 321
Wit, Harriet de, 30 –31
wonder, 16 , 135 , 136
Wordsworth, William, 285
Wright, Curtis, 48

Yensen, Richard, 218
Yoder, Norman, 209n
youth culture, 25

Zeff, Leo, 225 –27, 230 , 236 , 252
Zen, 73

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