Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)

(Martin Jones) #1

Full disjunctive form, 374
Function, 43
computable, 329
next-state, 307
rate of growth, 59
recursively defined, 52
Fundamental product, 6, 372
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra,

Gates, logic, 377
Gaussian elimination, 419
gcd(a, b) (greatest common
divisor), 270, 449
General tree, 251
Generators of a group, 202, 435
Gödel number, 326
Grammar, 310
Turing machine, 329
types of, 312
Graph, 156
adjacency structure (AS), 171,
Gray code, 193
Greatest lower bound, 342
Group, 438
cyclic, 442
symmetric, 439
Growth of functions, rate of, 59

Haken, Wolfgang, 170
HALT state, 327
Hamiltonian circuit, 161
Hamiltonian graph, 161
Hasse diagram, 346
Heap, 244
Height, 236
Homeomorphic graphs, 158
of groups, 442
of rings, 445
of semi groups, 437, 442
Horner’s method, 56
Huffman’s algorithm, 249
code, 252

Ideal, 289, 444
Idempotent laws, 347
element, 454
function, 44
matrix In, 414
relation, 25
Image of a function, 43, 44
Impossible event, 123
Incident, 157
Inclusion map, 44

Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, 9,
95, 108
Indegree, 203
events, 129
repeated trials, 130
Index of a subgroup, 440
Indexed sets, 52
Induction, mathematical, 12, 266
transfinite, 346
Inequalities, 265
Infinium (inf), 342
Infinite set, 8, 61
condition, 112
state, 307
Injective function, 46
Inner product, 410
Inorder traversal, 240
Input (in a Turing machine), 324,
in a binary tree, 243
in a heap, 245
Integer value, 48
Integers, 264
modulom, 276, 441
Integral domain, 444
Internal nodes, 237
Intersection of sets, 4
Inverse, 83
element, 434
matrix, 415
relation, 25
Inverter, 378
Invertible matrices, 415
Involution law, 370
Irreducible element, 445
Irredundant decompositions, 350
Isolated vertex, 160
Isomorphic, 437, 442
ordered sets, 344
rings, 445
semigroups, 437

Join, 346
irreducible, 349

Kn(complete graph), 163
Km,n(complete bipartite graph),
Karnaugh maps, 383
Kernel (Ker), 442
Kleene, 308
closure, 339
Königsberg bridges problem, 160
Kuratowski’s theorem, 168

LIFO (last-in, first-out), 155
Labeled graph, 202
Lagrange Theorem, 440
Language, 304, 308
regular, 306
types of, 312
Large Numbers, Law of, 136
Last-in, first-out, 155
Last element, 341
Lattice, 346
lcm(a, b) (least common multiple),
Leading nonzero element, 417
Least common multiple, 272
Least upper bound, 342
Leaves, 204, 236
Length, 210
of a path, 159, 203
of a vector, 410
of a word, 303
Level, 54, 204, 236
Lexicographical order, 205, 339
combination, 269
congruence relation, 279
equations, 420
search, 58
Linear bounded automata, 314
Linearly ordered, 338
Linked list, 154
Linked representation, 171, 239
List, 51
linked, 154
Literal, 372
LNR traversal, 240
Logarithmic functions, 49
circuits, 377
gates, 377
Logical equivalence, 74
Loop, 157, 201
Lower bound, 267, 342, 348
LRN traversal, 240
Lukasiewicz, 238

finite state, 323
Turing, 314, 329
Map, 167
MAP(·), 440
Mathematical induction,
12, 266
Matrices, 410
determinant of, 416
square, 108
Matrix, 410
adjacency, 171, 206
augmented, 420
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