The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

As with the mute M, there is great strength in silence. For it is in rest
that we renew our energies. Noise is disturbing; silence relaxes. The body
is renewed in the silence of sleep, and so is the mind. The continual change
from rest to activity and rest again is vital to a healthy life.

Because M is pronounced with the mouth closed, it is the most inex-
pressive of all the letters. The negative M appears dull, cold, hard, and
unfeeling. M’s feel hemmed in, as do all 4’s. They are hard workers and
conservative to the point where they forget to take time to relax and enjoy
what they have earned.

There are ups and downs in the glyph that suggest upsetting qualities;
M’s can be careless. It is important for them to keep their thoughts above
the earthly things. That middle V with its arms upstretched suggests a
calling for spiritual help, and it does receive help through intuition.

Another aspect of M is greatness in height or visual impact, as in such
words as Mountain, Majestic, Millionaire, Magical, Momentousall words
that start with a glyph of height. Or the opposite: Minimal. Then there is
greatness in quality of being, such as in Master.



 V VvVv
Sound: v or w Sound: w as in know

V – 22

Vau or Vav (vawv) is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and the
second of the 12 simple letters. Its governing influence is thought (The
Secret Teachings of All Ages, CXVI).

Vau means peg or nail, and also eye. In its astrological connection it is
the eye of Taurus. In the Taurus constellation, there is a brilliant star
called Aldebaran. Now, what does a nail or peg have in common with
thought and a star that is the eye of Taurus?

Pegs or nails are connecting links that hold things together. Taurus
has good physical coordination and likes to put things together. Words
are the connecting links, which form a sentence to express a thought.
Taurus rules the neck and this is the location of the voice. If we are to
express a clear thought we must first see it clearly with our inner vision.

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