The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

Inverted, V is a mountain peak, and V’s have so much nervous energy
that they often feel they must climb mountains to achieve all they desire.

Otherwise, V stands on a precarious point that touches the Earth
line. They will spend all their money on their desires and then feel the
need for financial security. But the point of the V is insecure and the
desires are many, so it is important for V’s to have an understanding of

V’s need spiritual enlightenment to balance out their nervous ener-
gies and bring peace within themselves. The letter V is a picture of arms
lifted upwards asking for spiritual help. It is entirely open to receive ideas
to build upon. It has Vision. It also has strength and the will to work hard,
as it is 22/4, the number of the tireless worker.

V’s are able to make their ideas work for them better than anyone
else since they have a natural gift for channeling their energies into their
projects. V is definitely for Victory, and they are able to set new goals and
achieve them again and again.

V’s love their families and are definitely the marrying type. They will
work hard to provide for their family. Life in Latin is Vita, beginning with
the letter V (Vau) which is the sixth letter in Hebrew, and six is synony-
mous with sex. Vau is the connecting link between man and woman, not
only physically, but in the sacred spiritual love-force that unites us all
with the divine.

Yod Hé Vau Hé is the name of that part of God that gives life to His
creation. Yod is the male principle, Hé is the female, and Vau is the “nail”
or connecting link that joins the two for the outflowing of birth and all
creation from the womb of the final Hé. All life is a sacred gift, and V
corresponds to the Sixth Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.”

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