The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Number Groups

\ Tetrad //

The four-sided figure was considered sacred because it represented
the beginning of form. The sacred Trinity spoke the Word which set up a
vibration that sent the molecules whirling into visibility clothed in form
(The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 1:351).

Everything that exists has to start with 1 and go through three succes-
sive stages to reach form in 4:

1  Idea.
2  Seed planted.
3  Growth.
4  Mature product; matter brought into being by the
Holy Trinity.

So 4 represents the generative power from which all combinations are
derived, the root of everything that can be named. The Pythagoreans con-
cluded from this that there is a connection between God and numbers
(Morals and Dogma, 633).

In his law of opposites, Pythagoras called the 4 “Right and Left” for
when you are standing, the Earth spreads out from your left and from
your right. It is the physical plane, the Four Corners of the Earth, the
four directions: North, South, East, and West; the four Elements: Fire,
Water, Air, and Earth; and the four geometrical forms: point, line, plane,
and solid. This is why the ancient Greeks considered the Tetrad to be the
root of all things.

They also noted that there are four liberal arts: geometry, astronomy,
music and arithmetic, all of which are important in understanding the
other sciences.

4 doubled is 8, or the cube, which was the symbol of truth, because no
matter how you look at it, it is always the same. It also had significant
reference to justice because the cube could be divided equally (The
Pythagorean Triangle, 103-106)

Many ancient peoples gave God a name containing four letters: Amun

(Egyptian); Sura (Persian); Deus (Latin); Odin (Scandinavian); %0%*

(Hebrew); Gott (German); Dieu (French); etc. (Morals and Dogma, 633).

The Hebrews and “Tetractys” called the four-letter name
“Tetragrammaton” by the Gentiles (The Pythagorean Triangle, 103-106).

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