The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Number Groups

vibration, the overtones emanating from the fundamental tone of the origi-
nal Monad, or Creative Deity. These tones compose the “Music of the
Spheres” and the “Voices of Nature” (The Sacred Word and its Creative
Overtones, 3).

There were also seven vowels in the Greek alphabet, seven basic colors,
and seven metals, and Pythagoras assigned one of each to the seven known

Planets: Moon MercuryVenus Sun MarsJupiter Saturn
Vowels: AEeeIOUoo
Notes: Si Mi La Re Do Sol Fa
Colors: Violet Yellow Indigo Orange Red Blue Green

Each planet corresponds to one of seven basic wavelengths. Like music,
they have their octaves depending upon their rate of vibration: the slow-
est is the color red, the musical note C, the planet Mars, the vowel O, and
the metal iron. The lower the rate is more physical, and the higher the
rate is more spiritual.

Pythagoras was known to have taken children with a 7 Birth Path into
his schools of mystery without first testing them, for the 7 meant they
were born to pursue this course.

The seventh Sephira is called Netzach, “Firmness and Victory,” for
this is where perfection is reached. Through the first six Sephiroth a man
can evolve intellectually, but until he responds to his center of spiritual-
ity, which is the light of illumination within, he cannot achieve Victory.

The body has six sides. Netzach, 7, is the spiritual center that repre-
sents the spark of the Deity within every man. It is also the first Sephira
that makes up the personality. It has to do with expressing the arts, mu-
sic, poetry, and all that takes creative imagination. In creating things of
beauty through the use of imagination, the person develops his ability as a
creator and that is his likeness of God.

Netzach is the right leg of the Adam Kadmon and stands for the in-
stincts and emotions; while its opposite and balance called Hod (8) is the
left leg and stands for the intellect. A proper balance is needed between
the two because intellect alone is cold and calculating.

Here is the difference between material and spiritual man. Material
man is able to gain much through intellect, but until there is that inner
illumination of the spiritual self, he cannot grow into his full perfection.

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