The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

handle the situation constitutes our understanding of the lessons we should
have learned first inwardly. Those who pass the test start anew at 10 on
the next level and work toward the next initiation. The reason we experi-
ence our tests first on the higher inner level is because it is in accordance
with the law of all material manifestation: all that manifests is first an
idea. Then comes the Will to create, followed by the Wisdom or Intellec-
tual power to plan, the activity to produce, and finally comes the produc-
tion, or manifestation. This is the same procedure as that of the creation
of the world, and it is the power that we, as minor creators, follow.

Sometimes a person fails to follow his inner promptings, and delays
the graduation even to another incarnation. But those who do pass realize
a new strength surging through them and a feeling of a “job well done”
(The Key to the Universe, 315).

Matter was represented by the number 9, or 3 × 3. It was noted that
all material was composed of three Elements: Water, Earth, and Fire, and
that those three elements each contained a little of each other. Therefore,
3 x 3 became a symbol of all body formations of matter (Morals and
Dogma, 636).

The 9 has come to be known as “The Great Lover.” This stems from
the story told about the brother-in-law of Alexander named Caleron, who
was able to become invisible by carrying a piece of silver with the number
9 engraved upon it. He would make love to his brother’s concubines and
never be caught.

The 9 was the finishing number, a bringing to an end, because it takes
nine months for a baby to be formed, and when it is completed there is
birth. Hence 9 is perfecting and finishing for the new birth which is in 10.

Still, there were many ancients who feared 9 because it signified the
end of something and unknown changes to take place.

The number 9 looks like a spermatozoon, so it is associated with ger-
minal life. And because there are nine months of embryonic life, the 9
came to be known as the number of humanity.

The Kabbalists saw the 9 as the generative egg, the stem being the
spirit of life flowing into it. The circular part also represented the planet
that is animated by the spirit of life (Morals and Dogma, 636).

In the Law of Opposites, 9 is “Good and Evil:” good because 9’s are
known to be filled with brotherly love and seldom focus on the evil in
things, and evil because it is an inverted 6. By inverting numbers, the
destructive aspects become prominent.

The 9 is associated with shapes that are sharp and pointed, especially
if made of steel or iron: spears, knives, swords, and scalpels.

The ninth Sephira is called Jesod, or Foundation. It is the stability
and foundation because it causes continuity of life, and is situated in the
generative (sexual) area of the Adam Kadmon. And 9 is the sperm-shaped
glyph that is the visual representation of that germ of life (Morals and
Dogma, 767).

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