The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Number Groups

It is in this area, at the base of the spine, that the Kundalini force
(the Serpent of Wisdom encountered in the Garden of Eden) lies coiled.
It can be awakened to the strictly physical sex force and orgasm or, in
the spiritually awakened man, will undulate upward through the 33 seg-
ments of the spine, opening each chakra on its way. When this occurs, a
tingling sensation is felt all over the body. When this force reaches the
pineal gland (the Eye of Horus) the spiritual eye is opened and the Ini-
tiate is ready for wisdoms to be revealed. From then on the still small
voice becomes very clear, for these seven centers (chakras) are the seven
seals spoken of in the Bible that cannot be opened until the individual
evolves spiritually. They are the means through which man comes into
conscious communion with the higher realms (The Rosicrucian Cosmo-
Conception, 478).

It is very hard for material man to understand the spiritual man. Ma-
terial man always has been and always will be blind to spiritual truths.
“For the material man rejects spiritual things; they are foolishness to
him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned”
(1 Corinthians 3:1).

\ Decad //

Decad comes from the root word dechomai, meaning, “to receive.” It
represents Heaven, the origin of number, the container of all things, the
attributes of all Ten Sephiroth.

To the Pythagoreans, 10 was “the great number” symbolizing perfec-
tion: 1 being the spirit, embodied in nature which is 0. The 10 Yods in
their sacred Tetractys explained the nature of God and the Universe and
all its elements, and even included the unspeakable name of God.

The number 10 represented concord, love, and peace to the sages,
and when their 10 fingers would clasp hands, that was called “the Master’s
grip,” a sign of union and good faith (Morals and Dogma, 634).

Pythagoras too, used the clasped hands as a symbol, for 10 was the
number of Yods in the Tetractys. The 10 was the number in which all the
preceding numbers were contained.

In the law of opposites, 10 is limited and unlimited, like 1. The 1 is
found in every number, and every number has proceeded from the 0 and
is contained within it.

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