The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

Chart 3. Letters and Numbers

Full Numbers Root Numbers
1-A 10-J 19-S = 1 A,J,S
2-B 11-K 20-T = 2 B,K,T
3-C 12-L 21-U = 3 C,L,U
4-D 13-M 22-V = 4 D,M,V
5-E 14-N 23-W = 5 E,N,W
6-F 15-O 24-X = 6 F,O,X
7-G 16-P 25-Y = 7 G,P,Y
8-H 17-Q 26-Z = 8 H,Q,Z
9-I 18-R = 9 I,R

For deeper kabbalistic interpretation, the full number is important.
In the Kabbalah, all words are totaled by their full number. Those that
have the same word total have the same numerical rate of vibration and
are related. So the Kabbalists substituted words of the same vibration
(Gematria) in order to hide spiritual truths from the masses.

Since the full number is the one revered by the Hebrew Kabbalists,
and it was used to decipher their holy writings, in English that full number
pertains to the Source, the Divine Nature. The full word total reflects our
personal level, and the word root number gives the rate of vibration and
its basic attributes.

This is confirmed in Henrietta Bernstein’s Cabalah Primer (34):
The beginning digits of the number would be its “face” (The God
Self); and the final digits of the numbers would be its “back parts” (the
human self). Reverse the one, and you have the other.

For example, for the word ART:
Full Number Number
A 11
R 18 9
T 20 2

Full Word Total 39 12 (Root Total = 3 (Root Number)
The full word total, 39, comes directly from the Source, the Creative
Trinity (3), which created all in universal love with a great breadth of
viewpoint (9). The vowel A is 1, originality, the number of the great artist.

On the human level, the word root total is 12. It is following the basic
1, 2, 3 or A, B, C, in order to accomplish the word root number 3, which
is artistic expression.

Eliphas Levi calls this method of interpretation “the arithmetic of
thought.” He says:

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