The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1



to Numbers


umbers are nine distinct vibrations. There is not a thing that exists
that does not vibrate. Vibration is measurable, and to measure we
must use numbers. Each number is a law unto itself, which never
deviates from the principle behind the law that governs it, each one being a
symbol for a type of influence or energy. “God created everything with
weight, measure and number” (Book of Splendour, 41).

Pythagoras saw number as universal principle, and each number with
a nature all its own. Scientifically this has been proven by modern phys-
ics: every manifestation has its own wavelength; a vibrational frequency
of electromagnetic energy which is measurable.

This means there is a number that can be applied to everything that
has existence, and that number includes its own qualities and characteris-
tics, including its own opposites. So each number is like a balance rod
with the positive qualities on one end, the negative on the other end, and
the destructive on the reverse side, each number being a complete vibra-
tion of a type of energy or influence.

The destructive forces, called the “qliphoth,” are brought into mani-
festation by the most negative thinking. In order for us to maintain per-
fect balance in our lives, we must avoid the destructive tendencies, the
qliphoth, and walk the middle path. This where we find harmony in our
lives, our health, and even our attitudes, which have a direct bearing on
our success.

So this then is the secret that makes numerology work: letters are
symbols for sound, sound vibrates and creates form and has its own traits,
in order to know those rates of vibration, we need numbers. The letters’
numbered place in the alphabet are their rates of vibration when either
thought or spoken.

In numerology we always add the digits together until we come to
one number, the root, e.g., 25 (full number) is 2 + 5 = 7 (root number),
or 25/7.

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