The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

TEACH: 25138 = 19. There must be one to teach and one to learn. The 9
has the knowledge of all the other numbers (contains all the Sephiroth
(numbers) before it, and it can teach others so that they can gain
perfection in 10).

GRASS: 79111, CLOUD: 33634, and AIR: 199, are 19 words. Like alpha
and omega they are constantly renewing themselves: fresh, new, and

GRASS begins with the 7th letter, G, a number of secrecy. We see only
the green part above the Earth while its roots are hidden from view.
Its full number is 64: artistic beauty (6) made manifest (4).

CLOUD: starts with the 3rd letter, C, the number of prettiness. 3’s are
nice to look at. The 3 is a number of travel. Clouds constantly move.
The Cosmic Egg is in the center, the 0, which is also the center of
God: primal substance. Its full number is 55, a master number of
Directed Intelligence. In studying the function of clouds, we can see
where this is true. They are a vital part of nature and our weather.

AIR: starts with 1: Aleph, the Element of Air. The second letter, I, is the
Yod, germ of creation. Air is the necessary breath of life. It’s full
number, 28, shows pictorially the cycle of life (8) that must accom-
pany (2) everything.
In the 19, as a karmic number, the 9 is highly emotional and the 1
must learn to be in control of these emotions. When we go against
spiritual laws, there is CHAOS, STRESS, and sometimes we FAIL
from being LAZY.

These words are all, by their root totals, the karmic 19. Each has a
different full number. CHAOS = 46—disruption made manifest (4) for
lack of harmony (6). STRESS = 100. Here we are 100 percent off course.
It is complete lack of harmony.

\ 28/10/1 //

When 28 is behind the root, the qualities of the 2 come first and are
therefore stronger. The 2 is the peacemaker and the 8, the executive with
good judgement. So in 28, 2 achieves leadership through diplomacy.

The 28 is known as “the breaking number.” New experiences are in
store, surprises and unlimited opportunity, because 2 + 8 = 10, which is a
new beginning.

Both HEAVEN and HELL have the 10 root, but Heaven’s root total
is 28, new experiences and unlimited opportunity, while Hell’s root total
is 19, showing there is a karmic lesson to be learned. It cannot get away
with anything. The full number of Heaven is 55, the same as Cloud. Clouds
float in the Heavens, so we see a relation there. The 55 is a master number
of Directed Intelligence.

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