The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

woman and the second is that of the child. The ancients taught that the
Father and Mother of nature are symbolized by 66, and its root 3, is the
child (6 + 6 = 12 and 1+ 2 = 3).

When the child is born, the woman becomes a
MAMA, and the man, DADA:
4 1 4 1 = 10 4 1 4 1 = 10.
The 10 is synonymous with the Hebrew letter Yod, which is the ger-
minal element of creation that makes up every one of the Hebrew letters.
That means it is present in all of life, the perfection in every part of cre-
ation and regeneration.

\ 19/10/1 //

This is known as a karmic number, for when it is on any of the major
positions of the numerological chart, the individual feels a sense of ur-
gency. Situations may push the person to stand on his own two feet. This
is pictured by 19/1: that center 9 is the self (ninth letter is I) and the 1 on
either side are its own two feet. There can be tests requiring boldness and
initiative, but these are easily met when the person has gained confidence
by use of his special abilities and individuality.

It is also called the number of initiation, for the 9 contains all the
knowledge of the numbers before it and will be tested on them. When it
finishes its exams it finds perfection in 10. Being alpha and omega, 19
always has a goal; it is ready to start a new project before the old is com-
pleted. Ideas constantly flow to them and 1’s would love to get each one
started, let the 9 take over the details and finish it up so 1 can get started
on the next project.

Examples of 19/10:

BODY: 2647 = 19. The 1 refers to the self, and the 9 to humanity. Every-
one in humanity has a body. The 1 and 9 add up to 10, which is
But we are not our body, for body begins with a B (2) and B comes
second. We are first of all spirit and soul (they both start with S-1)
clothed by 2, the body. Body comes from 0 (body), the Cosmic Egg. It
entered this world through D (body), the Hebrew letter Daleth, mean-
ing door or gate from which all birth must proceed. And Y is from the
Yod of creation. The full number of BODY is 46: body made manifest
(4) through love (6).

IDEA: 9451 = 19. Each one (1) of us has the ability to think. It is common
to humanity (9) to have ideas. We achieve perfection (10) through the
right use of ideas. You could say some come from the unconscious
part of the psyche, the Id, the first two letters of idea. And idea’s full
number is also 19. How can we accomplish our goals without them?

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