The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

\ 37/10/1 //

The 37 achieves perfection (10) through study (7) to develop talents
(3). The 7 always seeks the perfection found in 10. This is seen math-
ematically. If you add all the numbers from 1 through 7: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7,
they total 28/10. So the ancients say that perfection is hidden in 7.

PERFECT totals 37 and it begins with P, which is a 7 letter. The full
number is 73, putting the perfectionist 7 first. The 3 suggests that what-
ever is perfect is pleasant to see and a joy to behold. The center letter F,
on which the word pivots, shows that achieving something perfect takes
care, time, and patience. F carries the double cross, and is the sixth letter
that is a number of responsibility.

RAINBOW is a beautiful example of 37, for the 3 means beauty that
brings joy, and the 7 is the seven colors of the spectrum that are present
in the rainbow.

It is said that both business and religion appeal to the 37. Related
words that vibrate to this number are: DEDICATED, whose full number
is 55 (Directed Intelligence); RELIABLE and GUIDANCE, whose full
numbers are 64 dependable (4) counselor (6); MOTIVATED and AM-
BITIOUS, whose full number is 109, the self (1) working with all the
creative power within (0) to achieve its goals (9); PRODUCE is 82, a
cycle of achievement (8) through cooperation (2); SPIRIT and GROWTH
are 91, what it takes to start (1) and finish (9); REVERE is 73, a deep
feeling from within, usually spiritual (7) and an appreciation for aesthetic
qualities (3).

\ 46/10/1 //

This is the body (6) working through organization (4) or by manifest-
ing (4) itself. That refers to EVERYONE including CHILDREN. This is

These qualities relate also to the following 46-words:
Producer. Ministry. Resurrect.
The negative side of the 46 vibration is reflected in the following 46-
words which show a misuse (4) of the body (6):

Fighter. Sacrifice. Deception. Licentious.

\ 64/10/1 //

When the 4 and the 6 are reversed, the body and voice qualities of the
6 are manifested:

Impersonator. Hummingbird.
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