The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

\ 73/10/1 //

The wisdom of the 7 comes first. The beauty of the 3 benefits greatly
from one who has studied and applied (7) the self to achieve perfection. We
see this in the 73-words.

Comprehension. Inspired-artist. Extraordinary.
In the final analysis, birth names that total 1 are people who are ca-
pable of leading an organization. They are natural inventors and excep-
tional planners.

When the 1 is missing from the name altogether, the person needs to
develop self-confidence, ambition, and independence.

We need 1’s for self-confidence.

ONE (1)

Positive: Active. Ambition. Creative ideas. Determination. Good
mind. Individuality. Inventive. Originality. Self-
confidence. Starts many projects. Willpower.

Negative: Aggressive. Braggart. Impulsive. Lazy.Self-conscious.
Represses feelings. Selfish. Sensitive. Stubborn.

Destructive:A bigot. A bully. Antagonistic. Domineering. Extremely
egotistical. Puts self first at all times. Tyrannical.
The 1 is androgynous—male and female in unity.



“Let’s Be Friends”

Pythagoras called the 2 “Odd and Even” because 2 is an even number
made up of two 1’s, each of which is odd.

This is a number of partnership, companionship, and marriage. Eve
was sent to be a helpmate for Adam. She came second, was 2. The 2 is a
wonderful companion. The number faces and bends toward the 1 because
the 2 wants to help. It feels incomplete by itself.

The 2 is associated with pairs of things, as is readily seen by the Roman
two, II. That is also 11, which adds up to 2, but on a higher level. Where 2 is
a follower, 11 stands on its own two feet, showing leadership ability. The 2
is stronger on Earth than the 11 for its base is straight on the ground: 2.

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