The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

\ 50/5 //

According to the Kabbalah, all knowledge there ever was and ever
will be is included in the 10 numbers, the 22 paths which are the letters,
and the 50 gates of knowledge which are a classification of all being into
five series of 10 (The Book of Splendours, 134). This makes 50 an intel-
lectual number. This can be seen in the following words that total 50:

Concordance. Efficient. Engineer. Explorer. Fact-finder.
Instructors. Investigate. Memorize. Organize. Professor.
Prophesy. Physician. Technician. Theosophy.
The charming and popular aspect of the 5 is also heightened by the

Admiration. Considerate. Delightful. Sincerity.
Remember we said that 5 will take chances? Is fearless? INTREPID
means fearless, and it totals 50.

We also said that 5’s are versatile and like change. A word for that is
DIVERSITY, and it totals 50.

Destructive 50’s are:
Endangered. Ignorance. Instability. Intolerable.

\ 14/5 //

This is a karmic number. There are lessons to be learned or there will
be accidents, losses in business and in friendships. It is known as the
number of experiences, for its possessor learns no other way.

The 14 must learn self-control of all physical appetites and temper.
They can become too involved in physical sense pleasures and that could
bring about health problems.

The 14’s have sharp mental faculties and enormous energy. It helps
them a great deal to study philosophical truths to balance out their emo-
tional energies.

The 14’s are enticed by anything they feel can bring them a moment’s
JOY (14) or FUN (14). They are too EASY (14), will WED (14) on im-
pulse and later regret it. In Genesis it is the serpent who tempts EVE
(14). To us, a serpent is a snake, and SNAKE totals 14. Its full number is
50, which shows it to be highly intelligent.

A SAGE (14) is one who has gained complete control of the senses,
and is on the spiritual path. It begins with an S, which is a picture of the
serpent of wisdom and shows the path to be anything but easy. It has
turns in it, but it learns through experience. The first vowel, A, shows it is
a leader with a good mind, and can put the material and spiritual differ-
ences into proper perspective because of the clear balance line across the

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