The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology



“I Want My Voice to Be Heard”

The 6 is the vibration of home, family, and service. It is man (1),
standing by the family circle (o), or 1o or 6. So it is a number of regenera-
tion. Every body has six sides. Pythagoras called 6 “Rest and Motion”
because these are important to all bodies for good health.

The 6 is known as the “Cosmic Parent” for four reasons:

  1. It wants the responsibility to nurture and care for its family,
    pets, or those who need care.

  2. The vowels of our home planet, Earth (E-5 and A-1) total 6.

  3. All words that vibrate to 6 show an affinity for the body of
    persons, places, and things (six sides).

  4. The circle of the 6 is on the bottom, denoting the womb.
    Womb’s vowel, O, is a 6-letter.

The 6 corresponds with sex because Vau, the sixth letter of the He-
brew alphabet, is the “peg” or “nail” that connects the male Yod to the
female Hé (IHVH) that there might be creation.

People with strong 6’s love to eat; some are overweight. In this case,
the lower circle indicates a full tummy.

Those born on a 6 day (6, 15, or 24) may have an unusual or outstand-
ing voice. The 6 is open at the top to depict this. They talk well, sing, and
teach. They make good counselors for they know just what to say, are
calm and receptive in nature, and have a knack for making people feel at
ease. They like to be comfortable and dislike dressing up.

The 6’s are artistic. They like to have their surroundings reflect their
good taste, artistically arranged and in their favorite colors.

\ 60 //

This is a strong family vibration. The cypher shows the creative at-
tributes of the Deity (0) being expressed through a body (6):

Grandmother. Re-embodiment. Thanksgiving.
TYPEWRITER (60), has creative attributes in that it gives birth to
words. WORD, by its full count, is also 60 and proves their relation.

The 0 accentuates the speaking, singing, communicational side of the 6,
and it has been found that strong 6’s make their career around the voice.

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