The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

Those with 7’s prominent in their charts need more rest than other
people. They can’t take loud music, crowds, noise, or commotion. They
maintain their balance through serenity. The 7’s stand straight, tall, and
dignified. They are usually conservative in manner, thinking, and dress.
They don’t talk much but when they do they have something of substance
to say, for 7 is an intellectual number. They read a lot and think deeply
about things. They seem to be secretive.

The 7 is a number of faith. They seek spiritual wisdom unless they are
negative. Then faith is replaced with fear and the strong, quiet person is,
instead, an incessant talker. In general, negative 7’s will express faith or
fear, alertness or laziness. The 7’s continually seek perfection. Whatever
type of work they decide to do, they must be the best. If doctors, they will
specialize. If musicians, they will compose and perform. The 7’s will dig
for facts and analyze everything. They work best alone. Also, the 7’s pre-
fer quality to quantity. They want to share their life with someone they
admire or they would rather be alone. They are very private people and
can be hard to know. Only when they know and like you will they open up
and be friendly. They need understanding, love, and compassion. They
may seem cold but they do like to do things for people.

The 7’s are very intuitive. They are the ones most apt to remember
their dreams and dream in color.

\ 70 //

The cypher accents the introspective nature of the 7. Both LISTEN
and SECRET have the full number of 70: the strong, silent, mysterious 7
amplified 10 times.

The cypher seems to capitalize on the negative aspect of the 7 in the
following words that total 70:

Imperfection. Procrastinator.

\ 16/7 //

This is a karmic number. It corresponds with the 16th Tarot: the
Lightning Struck Tower, equating with sudden experiences, losses, and
accidents. The bearer of this number can overcome anything through
silence and meditation, qualities of the 7. This number shows a talent
for speaking, singing (6), writing, performing (6 and 7). The 7 is the profes-
sional, a number of ideals and values. Words that vibrate to 16/7 are:

Altar. Ballet. Book. Plan. Solo. Value. You.
BALLET: 16. The initial letter B (2) means it is performed by more
than one. The 2 refers to groups. Ballets are cultural, an aspect of 6.
Costumes, too, are 6. It takes a great deal of study (7) to be able to per-
form ballet.

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