The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

\ 25/7 //

Talented musicians and painters are born on the 25th.
This number shows a bright, inquiring mind.
7 thinks deeply about things and will analyze and decide for itself.
Much comes through intuition. 7’s appear wise for they speak only when
there is something worth saying. Psychic.

5 has curiosity, will probe for facts. It wants to know how others feel
and think; is interesting and changeable.

Both 5 and 2 are good talkers. See the resemblance between the bot-
tom curve of 5 and the top curve of 2? They are both open on the left, the
side that faces the past. This means that both have good memories, re-
member facts, and are open to talk.

The 5 is open on the material plane (lower), so is concerned more
with things of a sensual nature.

The 2 is more cautious about its words, for it is open on the very top
or mental/spiritual plane, so it uses discretion and tact.

With this in mind, consider the following 25-words:
Apostle. Charm. Listen. Messages. Pleasant. Relate.
Secret. Silent. Story. Words.
WIFE and SOULMATE are 25-words: the feminine 2, sensual 5, and
faithful 7.

Other 25-words bring out the collective aspect of the 2 and its love of
detail, 5’s diversity, and 7’s inner feeling:

Brook. Create. Earth. Galaxy. Heart. Nature.
DEVIL is 25/7. It is said that the Devil deceives because of his fine
appearance. The 7 stands tall and proud. The 2 appears kind, helpful, and
cooperative. But behind the dignified appearance of the 7 lurks a cold and
calculating negative aspect, for 7 puts its back to the higher numbers to
“lord over” the lower numbers. And 2, in its negative aspect, is sneaky
and a liar. The 5 knows how to get along with everyone and is popular.
But 5 is also the five senses and temptation. And the Devil is highly skilled
as a tempter.

The Devil inspires the following 25/7-words:
Abusive. Felon. Odor. Panic.
And is often found in the:
Despot. Fatalist. Zealot.
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