The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

If destructive, there is ANNIHILATION (63/9), for 3, when it is nega-
tive, represses itself, and 9 brings things to a conclusion.

The 9 can find fulfillment when it is an INSPIRATION (63/9) and of
service to others. Numbers 8, 9, 11, and 22 must consider other people.
They have learned the lessons of self—1, 2, 3; of family—4, 5, 6; and the
introspection of the 7 that is the bridge to 8, 9, 11, and 22, who are con-
cerned with the good of all mankind. The true expression of the 9 is to use
its talents on behalf of others.

\ 45/9 //

This number combination presents a mystical aspect. The intuitive
and psychic abilities can be at their peak, making the bearer of the num-
ber outstanding in some way.

The 4 gives a firm foundation.
The 5 gives powers of communication and freedom of movement.
The 9 holds the knowledge of all the numbers before, is dramatic, the
great lover, the humanitarian.

Some 45-words with these characteristics are:
Accomplish. Befriend. Communicate. Conscience.
Fortify. Marriage. Mountainous. Outstanding. Painting.
For the negative 45 there can be emotional dissatisfaction:
Cowardice. Difficult. Mediocre. Unreliable.

Destructive 45-words are:
Catastrophe. Malefaction. Tyrannical.
MALEFACTION and UNRELIABLE have the full number 99, the
reverse vibration of complete fulfillment—the opposite of the feeling of
good will.

\ 54/9 //

When the 5 comes first there is verbal eloquence, gifted intellect, and
a probing mind that seeks and finds answers.

The 5 satisfies curiosity; has many new experiences; is popular.
The 4 is very well-organized; gets things done; is reliable, conservative.
Some 54-words are:
Cheerfulness. Conservative. Conventional. Incredible.
Politician. Popularity. Trustworthy.
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