The Secret Science of Numerology
The 9 shows that the curiosity of the 5 and the detailed study put forth
by the 4 can lead to fulfillment for the 9:
Certificate. Instruction. Prosperous. Recipient.
The 5 applies to the five senses, marriage, and procreation. This leads
to GENERATION (54/9).
In contrast to generation there is the ending of life as in the destruc-
tive 54/9 word: SACRIFICIAL.
The 9 as the total for a name denotes those suited as musicians, ac-
tors, orators, artists, teachers, and preachers as well as lawyers, doctors,
and advisors.
We need 9’s for appreciating people.
NINE (9)
Positive: Broad-minded. Brotherly love. Caring. Love for
humanity. Compassionate. Creative. Dramatic flair.
Generous. Great artist. High ideals. Philanthropic.
Romantic. The great lover. Unselfish. Very considerate.
Negative: Aimless. Burdened. Extremely sensitive. Fickle.
Frustrated. Impolite. Overly emotional. Resentful.
Tactless. Thoughtless. Unfulfilled.
Destructive: Bad habits. Bitter. Dissipates. Immoral. Liar.
Possessive. Vulgar.