The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

All master numbers are powerful because they accentuate themselves
and their root number, e.g., 11/2, 22/4, 33/6, and so on.



“The Psychic Master”

The ancient temples of mystery had a pillar on either side of the en-
trance looking very much like the figure 11. The one on the right is called
Jachin and means, “He shall establish.” The left is called Boaz, which
means, “In it is strength” (Morals and Dogma, 9).

They represent the positive-negative, masculine-feminine, active-
passive forces—that by walking between the two of them we bring a sense
of balance into our lives. So the 11 who enters the temple by the center
between the two pillars has chosen the positive, upward way. Once on the
right path, his success is assured.

Where 2 is a follower, the 11 likes to stand on its own two feet. It has
the natural abilities of the 1 and is artistic, spiritual, and inspired.

All 11’s are meant to be professional people for they cannot be happy
in mundane work. Here are the inspired artists, painters, teachers, phi-
losophers, ministers, musicians, composers, performers, and decorators.
Their desire is to uplift others through the beauty of their creations or
with their inspired thoughts.

They are an “As Above” number because of their highly intuitive and
inspirational thoughts. They can mingle freely in the world and yet not be
a part of it. They have a charisma, a mysterious glamour that makes them
stand out in a crowd, and they easily draw followers.

The 11 is known as “The Psychic Master”—a messenger of God and
a master among men, for it is the nature of 11 to delve into the mysteries
of life.

Jesus was such a master and his name total is 11. He desired to bring
his light to the world, and LIGHT is the same vibration. He said: “I am
the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but
he shall find for himself the light of life” (John 8:12).

An 11 who does not pursue a spiritual or religious vocation is either
artistic, musical, or politically inclined. Irving Berlin, who brought us hun-
dreds of America’s best loved songs, was born on May 11. And an inspired
pianist and brilliant entertainer who thrilled us with his performances was

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