The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1





here are nine basic numbers. All the following compound num-
bers, when added together, always return to one of the basic nine.
However, there are several compound numbers that are consid-
ered numbers of mastery and are usually not reduced in numerology or
astrology. It is said that these numbers are bestowed on “old souls” who
are here to be of service to mankind. People who have these numbers
prominent in their names or Birth Path are aware of a tremendous amount
of nervous energy in their lives. Some can channel it into constructive
projects that benefit many. Others use the energy in its negative aspect
and never really realize their full potential. Still others use the destructive
side and cause great harm.

Children with master numbers have more nervous energy than other
children and must be kept busy or given special projects to work on. It is
extremely helpful for parents to know if their child’s energy is due to the
high vibration of their name or birth number.

People with these numbers do not always work in the high velocity of
this energy or they would feel depleted in a short time. Instead, they often
work and live in the root digit of the master number, but the achievement
potential is always there.

The numbers considered to be master numbers are mainly 11 and 22.
There are others: 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99, though these are rarely

The 11 is the first and is the “As Above,” as is every alternate master
number: 11, 33, 55, 77, and 99. The others are the “So Below”: 22, 44, 66,
and 88.

The “As Above” numbers are more intuitive, psychic, and spiritually
sensitive. The “So Below” numbers are better adapted to the material
world. All are meant to be of service: the “As Above” in a spiritual or
professional way, and the “So Below” in a material or physical way.

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