The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Master Numbers

Certain 44-words also show some problems that must be handled:
Dependence. Discordant. Disturbance. Eccentric.
Hysteric. Ignorant. Shrewdness. Suspicion. Stupidity.
Unpopular. Wrongful.

Sometimes an extraordinary type of person will have a name that to-
tals 44, such as Houdini. His Influence (44) in illusion was such that people
could not tell Appearance (44) from Realities (44).

The 44 also relates to persons, places, and things of beauty:
Beauty contest. Gorgeous. Shangri-La.

Two 4’s make this number doubly limited, for 4 sets up its own bound-
aries, as is seen by the four-sided square. There can be boundaries such
as the infliction of Pollution (44), which is Poisonous (44). By disobeying
basic laws we cause our own misfortunes. But we can Improve (44) our
lives with proper Exercises (44). Swimming (44) is particularly beneficial.

Where exercises can be used for therapeutic value physically, harmo-
nious music is of like value to us emotionally. The Orchestra (44) is a
dynamic medium for balancing our energies through musical sound.

We can group certain 44-words together and come up with powerful
ideas that total 88:

Marriage-ceremony. Marriage-happiness. Respectful-
appearance. Spiritual-therapist. Unlimited-diplomacy.
Tremendous-influence. Tremendous-masterwork.
People with a 44 Birth Path or name total find themselves involved in
helping themselves and others in physical or emotional therapy. It is a
master commitment.


Positive: A leader. Confidence. Knows what needs to be done and
how to do it. Mental Control. Strength of conviction.

Negative: Inconsiderate. Overworked.


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