The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The Secret Science of Numerology

A letter is considered from every aspect. The upper half is the mind,
thought, spiritual plane; the lower half, the material, physical, Earth plane.
A letter that is the same inverted—H, N, O, S, X—is active on both planes.
This may bring out the double strength of the letter.

A letter that becomes a different letter when inverted is considered to
be dual. For example, M has feet firmly planted on the ground, so M is
well-organized and stable. But inverted, it is W, reaching up for spiritual
help in times of emotional upheaval (A Guide to Cosmic Numbers, 125-6)

The events of your lifetime are recorded in the letters of your name.
Each one tells the nature of the experiences, and the root number of the
letter tells its duration:

A, J, S-one year D, M, V-four years G, P, Y-seven years

B, K, T-two years E, N, W-five years H, Q, Z-eight years

C, L, U-three years F, O, X-six years I, R-nine years

This lifetime of events, called “Table of Events,” is discussed in nu-
merology books such as The Romance In Your Name by Dr. Juno Jor-
dan (Chapter 16), and Your Days Are Numbered by Florence Campbell
(Chapter 14).

Each name works separately, and the full name works as a unit. Each
experience is drawn from the positive or negative aspects of the letters
and their corresponding numbers. They are influences in our lives and we
are the ones who ultimately choose our destinies by the way we handle
each experience.

This was thoroughly tested by the California Institute of Numerical
Research, Inc., which was founded for extensive analysis of the science of
number vibration. Numerologists from all over agreed with the findings
of this Institute. Satisfied with their conclusions, the Institute closed af-
ter 25 years of research.

Regarding the spelling of names, two may sound the same though
they are spelled differently, for example, Sean and Shawn. The letters are
as important as the sound, for each time we speak a name we subcon-
sciously see the letters, and their numbers make a mathematical state-
ment of vibration.

The first letter of your name tells your nature, your initial reaction to
things, and the way you approach situations. Likewise, the first letter of
words tells us the nature of the word, sometimes even by the shape alone:

Mountain: The M has peaks and crevices.
Valley: The hills on both sides of the V form the
Hills: The H is a ladder. Hills are easier to climb
than mountains with their steep sides.
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