The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

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The 2 Letters:

B, K, T


β β β β β B BbBb

Sound: silent Sound: a as in father

B – 2

The second letter designed by God was called Beth (bayth). Its three
basic meanings are house, mouth, and womb. Beth literally means house
and its sacred context is “birth place.” The Earth is our house and ac-
cording to ancient Hebrew tradition, it was the letter B that created the
Earth. Anytime we see “Beth” in the Bible, it means house, as in
Bethlehemhouse of bread, Balbethhouse of the sun, and
Bethelhouse of God. Bethel refers to the body as the holy temple, for
El means God and refers to the true ray of light which is part of the
existing God within us all, that is receptive to wisdom and good.

Beth is the womb because that is the dwelling place of the fetus while
it is being made ready for birth.

Beth is the mouth, the dwelling place of words about to be born. B is
an explosive sound from the lips suggesting the primal explosion, which
spewed out the planets. Beth is the first of the seven “double letters” of
the Hebrew alphabet. Each one of the seven form the seven opposites of
qualities, Beth being Life/Death.

Originally, Beth was drawn as a square to represent a house, then the
left wall was omitted leaving a roof, one side, and the floor. When the


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