The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

Greeks took the letter, they doubled the square. The Romans kept the
straight side and rounded out the “rooms.”

Those enclosed rooms are able to house collections. B likes to collect
things from ideas to books. B also likes to be close to home.

Pictorially B is the nurturing breast, the mother’s bosom. The first
letter of any word tells the nature of the word. Baby has two B’s, and
needs nourishment from the mother’s breast for it is in the process of
building its body. Body begins with B for it is the house of the soul.

B is the builder. The number of the builder is 4, and 4 is made up of 2
plus 2.

B, being 2, is the feminine principle. It leans toward A just as 2 leans
toward 1. B is shy and needs affection. B can be all “boxed up.” It is very
sensitive because it holds so much inside. It has a definite dividing line
between the top and bottom rooms, the top being the spiritual world and
the bottom, the physical.

As an enclosed letter, B shows secrecy. When negative, B’s can be
secretive or sneaky.

B’s remember. B holds fast to memories in its enclosed double house.
B has a solid base line, which indicates fixed opinions. We saw how A
expresses a quantity of one and can be used that way, for example, “A”
car or “A” bird.

B is not used as an alternate for two the same way A expresses one,
but instead as “bi”; as in biannually meaning twice a year; biped meaning
two feet; and so on.

B is pronounced as “be” meaning “having existence.” And as 2, B is a
straight line down from spirit becoming manifest in the physical, so that it
is, or literally, “it be.”

Beth is the individualized use of the one pure essence and corresponds
to the Second Commandment “Thou shalt not make for thyself any graven

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