The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The 2 Letters: B, K, T

The cross in the center is a plus sign, or tally. It is the force that
continually “adds” to its creation. So it has been called Jehovah (IHVH).
It refers to IHVH because the total of the circle, 22, added to the cross of
four sides, 4 equals 26, the number of IHVH in Hebrew:

H— 5

V— 6
H— 5
26 or ⊕⊕⊕⊕⊕

This is meaningful to us in English as well, for the word for Jehovah,
God, also totals 26 by its full number:

G— 7

D— 4

The horizontal line is matter and the vertical is spirit descending
into matter. When they cross (t), they make a plus: creation. “In the
sign of the tally is concealed the building of the whole creation” (Book
of Tokens, 91). And, “By this letter I show all is brought forth through
number” (92).

The Hebrew alphabet is constructed so that there are three groups of
seven letters. The number 7 denotes the end of a cycle, and is a number of
rest and reflection on things learned and completed. The end of each
group of seven is an initiation to higher study.

To know all is symbolized by the cube. Unfolded, the cube becomes
the cross, and the 22nd and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Tav,
meaning the sign of the cross. As the final letter it represents the end of a
cycle, just as the cross means rising above all physical limitation and soar-
ing free in spirit (The Bible and the Tarot, 4-5).

Tav is the seventh double letter (Th), assigned to grace and the beauty
of holiness (wholeness), and its opposite, deformity of sin and imperfec-
tion (The Key of Destiny: 319).

There is no letter in Hebrew that is actually shaped like a cross, but
when the Phoenicians borrowed from them, they took the meaning “sign
of the cross” literally and made their glyph a cross shape.

When the Greeks borrowed from the Phoenicians, they raised the
horizontal bar to the top and called it Tau. The Tau cross also represents
ten because its sacred meaning was perfection, Heaven, the Tetractys
and all it stood for, plus the ineffable name of God. It was inscribed on
the forehead of every person admitted into the mysteries of Mithras,

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