The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The Secret Science of Numerology

the ancient Persian God of Light and Truth who was often identified with
the sun, and also known as Abraxas. It was “mystery” (The Secret Doc-
trine, Vol. 1, 384).

Tau later became the Roman T. In a name it means “you can make
your mark in the world.”

In English, T is the 20th letter. This gives it a distinct relationship to
Teth (9) and Tav (22) because: 9 must learn to give selfless service to
others; 2 desires partnership in business and marriage and must learn to
give and take. The 0 following the 2 increases the power of the 2’s quali-
ties; and 22 is double the lesson of the 2, but with the mastership attained
to give so much more of itself; hence “the sign of the cross.”

The T reflects that self-sacrifice by the crossbar load on its shoulders
over a precarious one-line base.

All 2’s have a difficult time making decisions because of their ability
to see both sides of a question. T, by its shape, shows why this is so. The
T can go three ways. It makes an equal triangle on either side. Which path
should it take?

Carrying the cross also signifies an interest in religion. T can be spiri-
tual because it is 20, and the God Power of the 0 is always there. T needs
spiritual unfoldment or it feels burdened. T can be easily hurt and often
feels used, as 2 is a very emotional numerical vibration and feels things
deeply. The cross means self-sacrifice, martyr, or self-pity and “poor me.”

The negative T has a temper it must learn to control. It is stubborn
and must learn to have patience and to be tolerant. Where positive 2’s are
cooperative and outgoing, the negative side is unfriendly.

Otherwise, the positive traits of the 2 are magnified in the 20: coop-
erative pays attention to details, neat, diplomatic, a peacemaker; all are
intensified by the cypher beside it. That top bar is a protective wing. T
loves its family and is protective of it.

The top bar also means “high strung.” T’s are often tense and, when
carried away by negative emotion, will use sarcasm and cruel words. Re-
member, 2 has a way with words, good or bad. Those negative emotions,
if not controlled, can stir up difficulties in partnerships and in marriage.
T has more of these qualities than the other “2 letters,” B and K, which do
not carry a load on their shoulders.

Two T’s in a name can mean getting all bottled up over situations.
Even the word bottled has two T’s. It can “double-cross” itself, and be in
“tied-up” conditions.

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