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(Wang) #1
Unit 30 C REVIEW

NEL Molecular Genetics 705

Unit 30 C

Many of these questions are in the style of the Diploma
Exam. You will find guidance for writing Diploma Exams in
Appendix A5. Science Directing Words used in Diploma
Exams are in bold type. Exam study tips and test-taking
suggestions are on the Nelson Web site.


Part 1

  1. Indicate the correct order, beginning with prophase, of the
    following events of cell division.

    1. Nuclear membrane begins to dissolve.

    2. Chromatids move to opposite poles.

    3. Chromosomes align along the equatorial plate.

    4. Chromosomes reach opposite poles and begin to

2.A fertilized mosquito egg has six chromosomes. During
mitosis, the egg cell undergoes multiple divisions. Which
row shows the correct number of chromosomes found in
telophase and interphase?
Number of chromosomes
Row Telophase Interphase
A. 3 3
B. 3 6
C. 6 3
D. 6 6

3.Identify the phases of cell division in Figure 1.

________ ________ ________ ________
prophase metaphase anaphase telophase

4.The correct labels for the structure identified by letters in
Figure 1are
A. W = centriole, X = centromere, Y = cytoplasm,
Z = nucleolus
B. W = centromere, X = spindle fibre,
Y = division plate, Z = nuclear membrane
C. W = chromatid, X = centromere,
Y = nuclear membrane, Z = nucleolus
D. W = chromosome, X = spindle fibre,
Y = chromatin, Z = nuclear membrane

5.Identify the row that correctly gives the dominant traits,
according to this data.
Row Seed colour Cob type Leaf size
A. white large small
B. white small large
C. yellow small small
D. yellow large large

6.Identify the row that correctly gives the expected traits of
the offspring, if a plant from the F 1 generation were cloned.
Row Seed colour Cob type Leaf size
A. white large small
B. white small large
C. yellow small small
D. yellow large large

7.If a plant from the F 1 generation were crossed with a corn
plant with white seeds, identify the colour seeds you would
expect to see in the F 2 generation.
A. 100 % of individuals would have white seeds
B. 75 % of individuals would have yellow seeds and 25 %
white seeds
C. 50 % of individuals would have white seeds and 50 %
yellow seeds
D. 100 % of individuals would have yellow seeds

Use the following information to answer questions 3 and 4.

Figure 1shows four phases of cell division in a plant cell.

Use the following information to answer questions 5 to 7.

A corn plant with white seeds, a large cob, and small leaves is
crossed with a corn plant with yellow seeds, a large cob, and
large leaves. All of the F 1 offspring have yellow seeds, large
cobs, and large leaves.

stage 1 stage 2



stage 3 stage 4



Figure 1 GO


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