(Amelia) #1

TIP #64: Don't sit if you can stand. If you can stand comfortably, you will burn
more calories doing so than if you were to sit.

TIP #65: Don't lie down if you can sit. Same concept as the two above.

TIP #66: The couch and the television are anti-weight loss. If you are inclined to
become a couch potato, don't sit on it. In fact, if you have to, put a not so
comfortable chair in front of the television so you won't spend so much time in
front of it. The same is true for the computer if you're a computer junkie. Some
people have a more comfortable chair in front of their computer than they do
in front of their television. (This is, of course, if you don't work from home and
need to work hours at a time in front of your computer because your chair is
very important then.)

TIP #67: If you have a job where you sit the whole time, stand up and stretch
every half hour or so. Most of today's jobs are in front of a computer and require
you to sit. If you have a job like this make it a point to move every so often.

TIP #68: Walk around while you're on the telephone. You'll get a good workout
if it is a long conversation.

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