(Amelia) #1

TIP #75: Do your own fetching. If you need something from the kitchen, the TV
channel changed, the mail or newspaper from the driveway, walk and get it
yourself. Adding a little walking to your day will do wonders for you.

TIP #76: Walk along or climb the escalator with it or just take the stairs.

TIP #77: Walk around during commercial breaks or do simple exercises like
crunches or bending over and touching your toes. Do anything to get your
body moving more and to keep your blood pumping.

TIP #78: Turn on some music and dance. Again, the more you get moving the
better you will feel and the more weight you will lose.

TIP #79: If you take public transportation, get off a block before your stop and
walk the remainder of the way. This is a good way to squeeze in a walk before
and after work or on the way to another destination.

TIP #80: Do pelvic gyrations to get your midsection in shape. Of course, you
wouldn't do these with anybody around, but they are a good step in getting
your body prepared for more serious stomach crunches. It is also good on the
back muscles and keeps you loose instead of tight.

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