The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks

(Joyce) #1
Index @ 227

Schrodinger, Erwin, 40
Schwarz, John, 86, 159, 160
science: combining religion with,
177-78; dichotomy between wisdom
and, 217-18; Steiner's spir~tual, 190,
192-y3,2 17; theosophists' clairvoyant
approach to, 189. See also physlcs
scientific knowledge, 2 17-18
sea nymphs, 5-52
Second Hierarchy, 135, 145, 147-48,
Secret Doctrine, 7'he (Blavatsky), 3 I, 102,
153, 167, 182
Secret Lqe fpPlants, The (Tompklns), 19
Secrets ofthe Great Pyramid (Tompluns), 23
seers, 193
self-sacrifice, 120, 141-43
Sepher Bahir (Book of Brilliance), 153
SepherYetzirah (Book of Formation), 153
sephiroth, 153, 154-55, 156
seraphim, 151
Serra, Raimundi Irineu, 203
sexes, the, 151
sexuality, 154-55
Shakti, 101-3. 106
Shaman's Drum magazine, 198,200
Shepperton fairy photograph, 26-27
Shiva, 101-3, 106
slddhi (micro-psi ability), 89
simple clairvoyance, 3 1-32
six-dimensional space, 86,96
slug measurement, 83
Smith, E. Lester, 68,78-79
Snelling, Mr., 3
Soddy, Frederick, 73
solar logos, 108
solar system, 36-37, 146
solomon initiation, 167
Soma (Wasson), 168
Some Recent Clairvoyant Research in New
Zealand (Lyness), 38
Son of the Hidden Father, 102
Sorbello, Robert, 150
sound: of angels, 13-31; material form
through, 103, lo4
space: dimensions of Euclidean, 156;

mental (Akasha), 101; six-dimen-
sional, 86,96; ultimate, loo
spirit photographs, 16
spirits of the cycles of time, 145-46
spirits of fire, 56, 151
spirits of form (dynamis), 147, 148,
spirits of harmony, 149
spirits of love, 149,151
spirits of personality, 151
splrits of will, 149
spiritual beings: encountered in the astral
world, 152; hierarchy of, 149; Striner's
contributions regarding, 192; wlthin
Third Hierarchy, 135. 136-41. See als~~
spiritual science, 190, 192-193,217
Stanford's Linear Accelerator Center
WAC), 75,77,89
Star Goddess Nuit, 120-21
Steed, William T., 3 I
Steiner, Rudolf on angels/splritual
beings, 131-33,135-41; devas
described by, 124; on development
of earth life, 146-52; on Dionyslus's
hierarchies, 135-36; early life/educa-
tion of, I I I ; on elemental beings,
12-21; forms the Anthroposophical
Society, 189; on Frremasonry rites,
163; gnomes described by, 114-16; on
nature splrits, 112-13; philosophy of,
108, 1gq5,215-19; on physical
atoms, 104; on plants, 116-19; on
post-Atlantean cultures, 163; on reli-
gious mysteries, 16647; on self-sac-
rifice of elemental be~ngs, 141-43; on
spirits of the cycles of time, 145-46;
on sylphs and undines, 143; on Great
White Brotherhood, 179-80, 182-83
Stoney, George Johnstone, 69
Strand Magazit~e, I, 7, 10
subquarks, 89
Sun Pyramid, 37-38
superposition principle, 9-1
"superstring" theory, 85-87,96
sushumna, 174
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