Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill^629
Companies, 2009

Subject Index S-3

Horney’s psychoanalytic social
theory, 184
Jung’s analytic psychology, 133
Kelly’s personal construct
theory, 572
Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 305–306
Rotter and Mischel’s cognitive
social learning theory, 545
Skinner’s behavioral analysis, 474
in Five-Factor Model, 426
of personality traits research,
biophilia, 200
bipolar traits, 406
birth order, traits by, 87t
B-love, 296
bonding attachment, 153
BORI. SeeBell Object Relations
Bowlby’s attachment theory. See
attachment theory
brain, reinforcement of, 471–472
Brief Index of Self-
Actualization, 299
burden of freedom, 196–198
escape mechanisms, 196–197
political persuasions and, 208
positive freedom, 197–198
B-values, of self-actualizers,
289, 290f

cardinal dispositions, 382
care, 354
in adulthood, 261
career choice, early recollections
and, 90, 91t, 92
Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the
Soul(Dunne), 127
case studies
anthropological, of Erikson,
Arlene, 548, 552–563
of Hitler, 205
Jenny letters, 390–392
La Juan, 516–517, 520, 539–540
Little Albert, 449
Marion Taylor diaries, 389–390
Mexican village, 203–204

Philip (existential psychology),
342, 350, 354, 359,
castration anxiety, 24, 41
castration complex, 41–42
catharsis, 19
Cattell’s psychometrics. See
psychometrics, of Cattell
causality v. teleology, 12, 73,
Adler’s individual psychology, 96
Bandura’s social cognitive
theory, 507
Erikson’s psychosocial
development stages, 271
Freud’s psychoanalysis, 62
Fromm’s humanistic
psychoanalysis, 210
Horney’s psychoanalytic social
theory, 183–184
Jung’s analytic psychology, 132
Kelly’s personal construct
theory, 571
Klein’s object relations
theory, 159
Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 305
psychology of the individual, of
Allport, 398
Skinner’s behavioral
analysis, 474
trait and factor theories, of
Eysenck, Costa, & McCrae
on, 436
central dispositions, 382
chance encounters, 485–486
character, 198
character orientations, 198–200
nonproductive, 198–200
productive, 200
characteristic adaptations, of
personality, 425–426,
characteristics, 4
The Chicago studies, 330–333
childhood, 121
chums, pros and cons of,
imaginary friends, 237–238
important experience of, 167
of Sullivan, 227–228

Childhood and Society(Erikson),
245, 246
corollary, 557
elaborative, 571
chums, pros and cons of, 235–237
classical conditioning, 449–450
client-centered theory, 309–310,

  1. See also person-
    centered theory, of Rogers
    Clinical Psychology(Rotter), 512
    The Clinical Treatment of the
    Problem Child
    (Rogers), 311
    codependency, 172
    cognition levels, 223–225, 225t
    parataxic, 224
    protaxic, 223–224
    syntaxic, 224, 225t
    cognitive needs, 284
    cognitive social learning theory, of
    Rotter and Mischel,
    biography of Mischel, 529–531
    cognitive-affective personality
    system, 531–533
    critique of, 543–544
    general behaviors prediction,
    introduction to, 512–513
    maladaptive behavior, 525–526
    Mischel’s personality theory,
    overview, 510–511
    psychotherapy, 526–529
    related research, 540–543
    Rotter biography, 511–512
    Rotter’s social learning theory,
    specific behaviors prediction,
    cognitive-affective personality
    system, of Mischel,
    background, 531–533
    behavior prediction, 534
    consistency paradox, 531–532
    person-situation interaction,
    situation variables, 534–535, 535t
    units, 535–539

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