Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill^637
Companies, 2009

Subject Index S-11

Particulars of My Life(Skinner), 445
pathological orientations, 203f
peak experiences, 293
penis envy, 43, 179
realistic, 380
subjective, 73–74
perceptual conscious, system, 25
permeability, 558
perseverative functional autonomy,
as scientist, 551
of tomorrow, 328
persona, 3, 106–107, 133
personal construct theory, of Kelly,
applications of, 561–566
basic postulate, 553–554
biography, 549–550
concept of humanity, 571–572
critique of, 570–571
overview of, 548
philosophical position, 550–552
psychotherapy, 563–564
related research, 567–570
Rep test, 564–566, 565t, 566 f
supporting corollaries,
personal dispositions, 381–383
Personal Orientation Inventory
(POI), 297–299
personal unconscious, 104
personality, 3–4. See also
dimensions of personality
of Allport, 378–379
Allport’s structure of, 381–383
basic tendencies, 424–425
behavior and, 416–417
behavioral signature of, 534
biological basis of, 415–416
biological v. social influences, 12
characteristic adaptations of,
conditioning relating to, 468–471
core components in Five-Factor
Model, 424–427
development, growth and goals,
disease and, 417–418
Freud’s dynamics of, 31–34

postulates for basic tendencies,
as predictor, 416–418
of theorists, 7–8
unhealthy, 466–467
as unified and self-consistent,
Personality(Rotter &
Hochreich), 512
Personality and Assessment
(Mischel), 530
personality development
Jung’s psychological types,
self-realization, 123
stages of, 120–123
personality disorders, 200–202
incestuous symbiosis, 201–202
malignant narcissism, 210
necrophilia, 200–201
Personality in Adulthood: A Five-
Factor Theory Perspective
(McCrae & Costa), 420
personality theories. See also
specific theories
research in, 13
personality types
engineering interest in and
attrition from, 130–131
investing and, 129–130
person-centered theory, of Rogers,
on awareness, 316–317
basic assumptions, 313
becoming a person, 317
biography, 310–312
Chicago studies, 330–333
critique of, 337–338
humanity concept of, 338–339
person of tomorrow, 328–329
philosophy of science, 329–330
psychological health barriers,
psychotherapy, 321–328
related research, 333–337
self and self-actualization,
personifications, 222–223
bad-mother, good-mother, 222
eidetic, 223
me, 222–223

person-situation interaction,
532–533, 541–543
pessimism. Seeoptimism
v. pessimism
phallic phase, of development,
male/female parallels, 44t
phenomenology, 551
philia, 356
bio-, 200
of science, 447
theory related to, 5–6
unifying, of life, 380
The Philosophy of “As If”
(Vaihinger), 73
philosophy of science
of Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 296–297
Rogers on, 329–330
phobias, 499–500
phylogenetic endowment, 24, 106
physical comfort, 519
physical inferiorities, 73–74
exaggerated, 80
physiological needs, 281
placebo effect, 332
plasticity, 478
play age, of Erikson’s psychosocial
development stages,
pleasure, 54–55
principle, 27
POI. SeePersonal Orientation
positions, of development,
depressive, 142–143
paranoid-schizoid, 141–142
positive freedom, 197–198
positive regard, 317
unconditional, 323
positive self-regard, 317
post-Freudian theory, of Erikson,
biography, 244–246
concept of humanity, 270–271
critique, 269–270
ego, 246–249
investigation methods, 263–267
overview, 243–244
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