
(avery) #1

An ideal food for the Kapha type is the astringent legumes that help to purge his intestinal tract from
excessive mucus. Combined with heat-producing spices, they stimulate his digestion and help with the
removal of stagnant waste material. Many vegetarian Mexican and Indian dishes are good for the Kapha
type. Since his sense of smell is highly developed, the exotic smells of herbs and spices satisfy him. His
often sluggish and slow metabolism can benefit greatly from an eye-watering spicy meal. A spicy and
bitter appetizer such as romaine lettuce with added pepper can kindle his AGNI, so can chewing on a
piece of fresh ginger. Kaphas don’t need or even want much of a salad dressing that is sour and oily.
Generally, Kapha types should ensure that there are enough pungent, bitter and astringent tastes
present in each meal. Spices such as cumin, fenugreek and turmeric are both astringent and bitter. Green
leafy vegetables, including kale and spinach, that are cooked with plenty of spices also help to pacify
Kapha, but care should be taken not to add too much water during cooking.
During the summer, the Kapha’s body is warm enough to eat fruits, salads and some raw vegetables.
These foods, however, can greatly upset his balance in the winter, when his body requires mainly cooked
foods with hot spices. Cayenne pepper is especially beneficial for him, since it breaks down excessive
mucus. Chili pepper, however, can sometimes cause congestion in his lungs. Other peppers are usually
well tolerated by him. Cooling foods such as dairy products like milk shakes, ice cream, cream and butter,
and sugary sweets like cake and cookies make the Kapha’s system cold, cause mucus discharge and lead
to heaviness, lethargy and depression. Besides their dulling effect on the Kapha type, these foods also
increase his body weight, whereas the heating influence of pungent, bitter and astringent foods keeps his
weight in check.
Fats and oils are far too heavy for the Kapha type and should be used sparingly. Kaphas not only
secrete fats in their external skin, which makes their skin smooth and silky, but also through their internal
skin—the gastrointestinal lining. In other words, they are oily inside and out. Unlike, the Vata type who
must add fats to their food in order to digest it, the Kapha type supplies his own fats; hence, the reduced
need to add them to food. However, expeller-pressed corn, sunflower or safflower oil are more digestible
for him, since they possess heating qualities. (Use in small quantities only.) Ghee is an acceptable choice,
too, when used in cooking.
Deep-fried foods quickly subdue the Kapha’s AGNI, which is the lowest among all the body types.
Salt or salty foods quickly imbalance the Kapha type because they tend to cause him to retain water.
Many Kaphas suffer from swollen feet and arms because of too much salt consumption, especially if it is
refined, processed salt.
Since the balanced Kapha type is mainly influenced by the elements of Earth and Water, he has a
natural aversion to Earth/Water foods, which are listed below:

(To be avoided or reduced)

  • Salty tasting foods

  • Sweet, juicy fruits

  • Sweets and sweet tasting foods

  • Sweet, watery vegetables

    • Cool, milky foods

    • Oily foods

    • Sticky and cold foods

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