
(avery) #1

Although prescribing colonic irrigation used to be standard medical procedure in every good hospital
until the 1920s, doctors now consider it unnecessary, ineffective or even harmful; not that they ever tried
one for themselves or their patients. In Russia however, colonic irrigation remains standard procedure in
all hospitals and clinics for all patients, regardless of what types of ailment they suffer from. Patients
undergo the colon cleansing treatment upon entering the hospital. Russian physicians believe that a toxic,
congested body does not properly respond to their treatment programs. Some Israeli hospitals don’t even
treat patients until they had a colon cleanse.
Colonic irrigation, also called colon hydrotherapy or colonic, is perhaps one of the most effective
colon cleaning therapies. Within a short passage of time a colonic can eliminate large amounts of trapped
waste that may have taken many years to accumulate. During a 40-50 minute session of colonic irrigation,
a total of two to six liters of distilled or purified water is used to gently flush the colon. Through gentle
abdominal massage old deposits of mucoid fecal matter (waste mixed and hardened by old mucus) are
loosened and subsequently flushed out by the water.
A colonic removes not only harmful, toxic waste, but it also tones, hydrates and rejuvenates the colon
muscles. The repeated uptake and release of water improves the colon’s peristaltic action and reduces the
transit time of fecal matter. In addition, colonic irrigation helps restore the colon’s natural shape, and
stimulates the reflex points that connect the colon with all the parts of the body. This form of colon
cleansing can detach old crusted layers of waste from the colon walls, which permits better water
absorption and hydration of the colon and the body as a whole. However, it may take a minimum of two
to three colonic sessions for these latter benefits to take effect.
Colonic irrigation can also help with emotional problems. It is no coincidence that the transverse colon
passes right through the solar plexus, which is the body’s emotional center. Most of our unresolved or
“undigested” emotional issues are stored in the solar plexus and result in the tightening of the colon
muscle. This may slow bowel movement and cause constipation. Colonics can help clear the physical
obstruction and release the tension that causes the emotional repression in the first place.
Colonics have a truly relieving effect. During a colonic, you may feel a slight discomfort or chills from
time to time when larger quantities of toxic waste detach themselves from the intestinal walls and move
towards the rectum. However, the feeling of lightness, cleanness, and clarity of mind soon afterwards
make up for that.
Colonic irrigation is a very safe and hygienic system of cleansing the colon. Rubber tubing carries
water into the colon and waste out of the colon. The released waste material can be seen floating through
a tube, showing the type and quantity of waste eliminated. Although some critics claim that there are risks
involved in this procedure, in the many years I have worked with colonics, I have never seen any
justification for these claims. Not having a colonic from time to time, on the other hand, can be very risky,
given today’s high incidence of irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer.
Colonic cleansing is best done when the stomach is empty. It is beneficial to drink one to two glasses
of water afterwards and eat a piece of fruit or have some freshly prepared fruit juice ½ hour later. The first
one or two meals after the treatment should be light and not contain food items such as meat, eggs,
cheese, fried food, etc.
Some people have expressed their concern about losing friendly, probiotic bacteria in the colon as a
result of a colonic. It is actually much easier for the friendly colon bacteria to repopulate in a clean
environment than in one filled with putrefied and fermented waste matter. Once the colon is properly
cleansed, it takes less than 36 hours to restore normal bacteria populations. If you still feel concerned
about this, you may use soil-based microbes, such as Nature’s Biotics (upwardquest.com), or similar
products. Be certain that whatever product you use contains live, not dead, bacteria. Personally, I am not

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