
(avery) #1

Since urine contains the perfect mix of vitamins, hormones, minerals, antibodies, etc., doing urine
enemas so frequently does not deplete the colon of these nutrient components. In fact, urine enemas can
greatly increase colon health and help restore intestinal flora. Candida sufferers, especially benefit from
urine enemas.

A Note on Auto-Urine Therapy (AUT):
Auto-urine therapy is an age-old practice of India and China and is gaining popularity worldwide, but
mainly in Europe. It has shown success in the treatments of a wide array of disorders, including multiple
sclerosis, colitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, pancreatic insufficiency, psoriasis, eczema,
diabetes and herpes. For three million Chinese, drinking their own urine is an accepted health practice.
Former Prime Minister of India Morarji Desai, who lived up to the age of 99, has been the most well
known proponent of this therapy. In Germany, a former president’s wife, openly admitted drinking her
own urine on national television.
AUT entails using your own urine internally or externally as a way to treat or prevent illness. Most
people are under the wrong impression that urine is a toxic waste product that could harm us if we were to
ingest it. Toxic or otherwise harmful substances are removed from the body through the liver, intestines,
lungs, and skin. The main role of the kidneys is to maintain proper fluid balance in the body and ensure
that the blood always contains a balanced amount of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes. Urine is
sterile after secretion and has an antiseptic effect. Many who were shipwrecked or were lost in the desert
survived by drinking their own urine. Urine contains everything that a person needs to survive, including
water, minerals and vitamins.
Dr B.V. Khare, an allopathic doctor and Mumbai-based follower of AUT, says: “The Italian surgeon
Stanislau R. Burzynski, now settled in America, separated antineoplaston from human urine and showed
remarkable results in the treatment of cancer. Another substance found in large quantities in the urine is
called dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). It is a hormone related to testosterone. This, as research showed,
has anti-cancer, anti-obesity and anti-aging properties. It has also been found that urea when recycled by
ingesting, is converted into essential amino acids.” All in all, urine contains 15 known ingredients that
work synergistically to keep the body cancer free. Among them are the anti-cancer drugs interferon, and
interleukins 1 & 2, urea, uric acid, 3 methylglyoxal, DHEA, H-11, directin, antineoplaston,
The most common method of AUT is to consume your morning urine (mid-stream part) completely
and without dilution. It can also be used to gargle or swished through teeth for gum protection. As
described above, urine can also be administered to the body through enemas. When applied to wounds
and broken bones, urine helps prevent scarring and swelling. It draws toxins out of areas of inflammation
and permits the healing to occur faster than it normally would.

Important note for those doing liver and gallbladder flushes: If for some reason you cannot have a
colonic irrigation or Colema treatment before and after liver flushes, taking two to three back-to-back
water enemas may be your next best option. Begin the second or third enema only after you have released
the previous one. You need to make certain that the water reaches into the ascending colon. You can
massage your abdomen to help bring the water to this part of the colon. Enema kits are available at most

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