
(avery) #1

The Miraculous Yucca Extract

Yucca root contains steroidal saponins, which are natural detergents found in many plants, especially
certain desert plants, such as Yucca schidigera. Its extract has traditionally been used as an intestinal
cleanser, which may explain the vast array of its benefits.


  • helps form a protective coating on the intestinal walls, preventing damage of the lining and tox

  • ins from seeping into the blood and lymph (leaky gut);

  • helps eliminate disease-causing organisms, including viruses;

  • encourages growth of beneficial bacteria;

  • helps with lower-grade intestinal infections, while reducing inflammation and swelling;

  • reduces intestinal disorders, including colitis, diverticulitis, constipation, intermittent diarrhea,

  • intestinal gas;

  • aids digestion and absorption of fats

  • decreases accumulated intestinal wastes in the colon;

  • breaks down and eliminates hardened intestinal mucus in the intestines;

  • relieves cramping and abdominal pains, often within several minutes;

  • reduces soreness, stiffness and swelling of joints (as found in arthritis and gout);

  • relieves of migraine headaches;

  • helps heal sores, scabs and skin rashes;

  • lowers elevated blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides;

  • helps offset stress due to its cortisone-like action;.

  • helps some people to stop smoking;

  • has been used to stop hair loss;

  • has benefited people suffering from Addison's disease.

  • helps normalize high blood pressure

  • inhibits cancer cells

Dr. Bingham, in the Journal of Applied Nutrition (Vol.27, No.2 and No.3), reported that 60 percent of
people who took the yucca supplements experienced diminished pain, swelling, and stiffness in their
joints. Native Americans of the Southwest used yucca as shampoo, to treat wounds and sores, as well as
symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism. Yucca root extract has no known unpleasant or harmful side
effects. It is a rich source of vitamin A and B complex. It has a high content of calcium, potassium,
phosphorus, iron, manganese and copper. It is best to buy the liquid Yucca extract, without alcohol, from
“Herb Farm” or other sources found on the Internet. Yucca capsules are being absorbed poorly by the

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