
(avery) #1

destroys them, E. coli bacteria have the ability to attach themselves like glue to the inner walls of the
urinary tract and bladder.
A bladder or urinary tract infection may be indicated by incontinence, burning sensation upon
urination, sensation of urgency to urinate without the ability to void completely, reddish or cloudy urine,
foul smelling urine, lower abdominal pain, and frequent urination.
If left untreated, a bladder infection may lead to a kidney infection when bacteria continue to migrate
up the ureters to the kidneys. In such case, there will be additional symptoms such as burning sensation
during urination, frequent urination, increased urgency to urinate, lower-back pain, chills, nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea.
D-Mannose has a unique chemical structure that causes it to adhere to E. coli bacteria even more
tenaciously than E. coli adhere to human cells. Normal urination, therefore, with a sufficient level of D-
Mannose present in the urine, becomes a simple and effective treatment for the above conditions. As
remarkable as it sounds, E. coli cells coated by D-Mannose in the urine become unglued and get flushed
right out of the body.
The first-time use of antibiotics in the treatment of bladder or kidney infection almost always leads to
repeat infections. Although these deadly drugs successfully kill the unwanted microorganisms, they also
destroy the beneficial flora responsible for keeping any infectious bacteria at bay. Essentially, the immune
system depends on these “friendly” microbes to protect the body against being decomposed while still
living. Use of antibiotics has caused many women to end up having yeast infections, which indicates that
this protective mechanism has already been broken.
D-Mannose has no anti-fungal properties. It does not kill bacteria, friendly or unfriendly. D-Mannose
simply helps to remove misplaced E. coli from inside of the urinary tract by the natural process of
urination. Apart from having no side effects and being of virtually no burden to the digestive system, it
also tastes good, like sugar.
Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is a chronic bladder disorder that mimics the symptoms of an ordinary urinary
tract infection (UTI). Normal therapeutic dosage is 1/2 tsp. daily for chronic sufferers of ICs and UTIs, or
weekly for preventative measures (see Product Information).
In addition to the use of D-Mannose, UTI sufferers require thorough cleansing of the large intestine,
liver bile ducts and kidneys, and an adjustment of diet and lifestyle as advocated in this book. Taking
SSKI iodide may also be beneficial.
Please note that Stevia, although it is very sweet, is not a sugar, but can be used as one. It is also
perfectly safe for diabetics and those suffering from Candida issues.

Caution: Beware of an elaborate gimmick by a global, multimillion dollar marketing company that
claims: “Medical research has discovered that eight glyconutrient sugars are needed at the cellular level
for optimum immune function.” The idea is to take expensive supplements that contain these eight sugars,
which are supposedly missing in your diet. These special nutrients are supposed to cure the most serious
diseases, including cancer, Lupus, Diabetes, and MS. The fact is that there are no “glyconutrients”
discovered by science. That term doesn’t even exist in the medical literature. There are no scientific
studies that appeared in medical journals (search Medline) that can back the claims made for any of their
products, including Ambrotose. The only “research” that exists is the one promoted by the company and
its affiliations. As of July 2007—Greg Abbott, the Texas Attorney General has charged Mannatech, Inc.,
its owner, Samuel L. Caster, and several related entities with promoting an illegal marketing scheme that
encourages consumers to believe that its products are effective against many serious diseases.

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