
(avery) #1

real tea. Real tea is derived from the tea plant Thea sinensis or Thea asoncica, not to be confused with
herb teas such as peppermint, chamomile or fennel.
Both black and green teas originate from the same tea plant, but their methods of processing are
different. The breaking of the leaves of the plants and exposing them to the oxygen of the air produces
black tea. The resulting natural fermentation process destroys the most important biological ingredients of
the tea—the tannins. By contrast, during the production of green tea, the leaves are stabilized through
exposure to both humid and dry heat. This eliminates fermentation-producing enzymes and safeguards the
Due to fermentation, black tea assumes drug-like qualities. Since tannins and other important nutrients
are no longer present in the tea, its caffeine appears in free and unbound form. The stimulating effect of
the quickly released caffeine causes the addictive effect of black tea. It triggers a “fight or flight” response
in the body. Since the body treats the ingested caffeine as a nerve toxin, the adrenal glands naturally
respond by secreting the antidote adrenaline. This defense response by the body has a stimulating and
enlivening effect. However, as the effects of the caffeine and adrenaline diminish, the body starts feeling
tired and may end up exhausted.
Green tea works in a different way. The large amounts of tannins in green tea make certain that the
caffeine is taken to the brain in only small and well-dosed amounts, which actually harmonizes the
energies in the body. Unlike black tea, the original, green version of the tea makes the body's own energy-
use more efficient. This helps the consumer of green tea improve his vitality and stamina without having
to experience the “up and down” effect so often accompanied with the consumption of black tea.
The value of tannin has been studied for centuries all over the world. Besides its ability to bind
caffeine, it also has healing properties. Green tea is particularly helpful with intestinal disorders and high
blood pressure. It has been shown to be 20 times more effective in slowing the aging process than vitamin
E. Studies have demonstrated that the success rate of green tea in reducing oxidants in the body
(considered responsible for aging) is 74 percent compared to 4 percent with vitamin E. The vitamin C
content of green tea is four times higher than in lemon juice and it contains more B-vitamins than any
other known plant. This makes green tea useful for facial skin conditions such as rosacea/acne. Apart
from drinking green tea, you may apply it directly to the skin before bedtime and after washing your face
in the morning.
Since green tea is highly alkaline it naturally helps combat hyperacidity. People who drink green tea
also suffer less from arteriosclerosis. It also keeps the blood thin and prevents coronary heart disease,
heart attacks and strokes. Furthermore, researchers from the University of Osaka, Japan, have been able to
prove that green tea kills microbes responsible for cholera and tooth decay; it also destroys salmonella
germs before they even have the chance to enter the stomach. A substance called “EGCG” has been found
to retard tumor growth. The Botikin Hospital in Moscow reported that green tea is more effective against
infection than antibiotics, without producing any harmful side effects.
Green tea has over 100 ingredients that have been found useful for a number of conditions; it

  • inhibits cell mutations leading to cancer

  • reduces blood fats

  • balances serum cholesterol levels

  • prevents high blood pressure

  • increases heart efficiency

  • improves brain functions

  • enhances metabolism

    • improves vision

    • supports secretion of saliva

    • increases growth of hair

    • reduces body fat and weight

    • stimulates digestion

    • helps clear urinary tract obstructions

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