(sharon) #1
Index 673

cheb1ord, 581
cheb2ap function, 581
cheb2ord function, 581
cheby1 function, 581, 588
cheby2 function, 581, 588
Chebyshev fi lters
analog, type 1/type 2, 575–577, 581
features of, 562, 573, 596
function fi les, 582
type-1, 45, 581, 634–636, 658–660
type-2 fi lter, 634–636
Chebyshev FPF transfer function, 581
Circuit analysis, 17, 320
Circuit diagrams
characteristics of, 122–123
LC parallel, 239
LC series, 238–239
loop equation, 248
power triangle, 244
RC connection, 237–238
RC parallel, 237
RL, 234, 236
RL parallel, 237
source transformation, 122–123, 253–255
Thevenin’s equivalent circuit, 254
Thevenin’s model, 253
RLC parallel, 242, 246
RLC series, 245
Circuit laws, 102
Circuit techniques, standard, 604
Circuit theorems, DC, 225
Circular convolution, 493–495, 497–498
Circular shift, 493
Close loop system, 108
Closed system, 108
Coherent relations, 374
Colormap, 55
Blackman(N), 47
del1(matrix_A), 56
fft, 459, 490–491, 495–496, 499–500, 502, 555–556
fftn(f), 500
fftn(F), 500
fftshift(F), 500
fi lter, 489
fi r1, 594, 653–655
fi r2, 588, 594–595
Frms, 326
fourier(f,x), 342
gensig, 38–39
getframe, 56–57
gradianr(matrix_A), 56
Hanning(N), 47
ifftshift(F), 500

ilaplace, 320
image(matrix_ A), 55
impulse(P, Q, t), 40
impz, 489
iztrans(Fz), 488
k = nextpower2(N), 499
Kaiser(N), 47
laplace, 320
movie(M), 57
nyquist, 339
plot, 27
sawtooth(t, b), 33–35
square(t), 32
step(P, Q, t), 40
wavplay(y, Fs), 54
wavread, 55
wavrecord(N, Fs), 54
wavwrite, 55
zplane, 489
zp2tf(zeros, poles k), 489
ztrans(f), 484–485
Communication system
analog, 86–88
analysis, 335
broadcasting, 22
Communication theory, 334
Complex circuits, 127
Complex conjugate, 242
Complex frequencies
implications of, 133, 197, 201
natural, 131
network, 134
Complex power, 232
Complex sequences, continuous time signals,
Complex wave, 17
Composite function, 14
Compression, 23–25, 569
Computer chips, 570
Computer software programs, digital fi lters, 570
Conductance, 109
Conductors, 105 –106, 109
complex roots, 131
ZT, 475–476
Conservation of energy, 107–108
Continuous and discrete signals, time domain
application problems, 93–100
examples, 58–93
expression evaluation, 29–31
types of signals and sequences,
overview, 1–27
windows, 47–52

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