Discovery Cubic functions#endboxedheading
To discover the shape of different cubics you can either use the graphing package or your
graphics calculator.
What to do:
1aUse technology to help sketch graphs of:
i y=x^3 , y=2x^3 , y=^12 x^3 , y=^13 x^3 ii y=x^3 and y=¡x^3
iii y=¡x^3 , y=¡ 2 x^3 , y=¡^12 x^3 , y=¡ 101 x^3
b Discuss the geometrical significance ofain y=ax^3.
You should comment on both the sign and the size ofa.
2aUse technology to help sketch graphs of:
i y=x^3 , y=x^3 +2, y=x^3 ¡ 3
ii y=x^3 , y=(x+2)^3 , y=(x¡3)^3
iii y=(x¡1)^3 +2, y=(x+2)^3 +1, y=(x¡2)^3 ¡ 2
b Discuss the geometrical significance of:
² kin the family of cubics of the form y=x^3 +k
² hin the family of cubics of the form y=(x¡h)^3
² handkin the family of cubics of the form y=(x¡h)^3 +k.
3aUse technology to help sketch graphs of:
y=(x¡1)(x+ 1)(x+3), y=2(x¡1)(x+ 1)(x+3),
y=^12 (x¡1)(x+ 1)(x+3), y=¡2(x¡1)(x+ 1)(x+3):
b For each graph inastate thex-intercepts and they-intercept.
c Discuss the geometrical significance ofain y=a(x¡®)(x¡ ̄)(x¡°):
4aUse technology to help sketch graphs of:
y=2x(x+ 1)(x¡2), y=2(x+ 3)(x¡1)(x¡2) and y=2x(x+ 2)(x¡1):
b For each graph inastate thex-intercepts andy-intercept.
c Discuss the geometrical significance of®, ̄and°for the cubic
y=a(x¡®)(x¡ ̄)(x¡°).
5aUse technology to help sketch graphs of:
y=(x¡2)^2 (x+1), y=(x+1)^2 (x¡3), y=2(x¡3)^2 (x¡1),
y=¡x(x¡2)^2 , y=¡2(x+ 1)(x¡2)^2 :
b For each graph ina, state thex-intercepts and they-intercept.
c Discuss the geometrical significance of®and ̄for the cubic y=a(x¡®)^2 (x¡ ̄):
You should have discovered that:
² if a> 0 , the graph’s shape is or , if a< 0 it is or
² y=(x¡h)^3 +k is the translation of y=x^3 through
² for a cubic in the form y=a(x¡®)(x¡ ̄)(x¡°) the graph hasx-intercepts®, ̄and°and the
graph crosses over orcutsthex-axis at these points
470 Further functions (Chapter 23)
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